
I have a question about my cats recent behavior

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I have 2 house cats one I rescued from a shelter in December and the other is one I took from a friend in April that could no longer care for him my first cat did not accept him at all at first,she hissed and pawed at him constantly, but eventually they became best buds,well today by accident the male cat got outside by the time we found him and realized he was outside ( we had left to go shopping) several hours had passed. When we brought him back in the female cat started the hissing all over again as if sh doesnt know who he is what could possible be her problem?




  1. she does not know him has a different smell she will get over it  

  2. The male has new, unfamiliar scents on him and if he came in contact with another cat or another animal he has those scents on him as well. Give your female cat a few days to calm down and hopefully things will be back to normal.

  3. Cats can be very territorial; if the female was there first, she is just defending her home.

    I would separate them in different rooms for a while and then let them be together when you can be there with them.  Try to show equal affection and speak to them both in the same tone of voice.

    Above all, just love them like crazy so that they're secure with the situation.

  4. Maybe she smells something on him that she's not used to.  I'm sure she'll get over it soon.

  5. i'm not sure but just wait and see what happens!

  6. Well, I hope he is the right cat! To be honest, my Vet has told me before after I bring one of my cats home from a check up use some of my dirty laundry and rub it all over their fur to make the unfamiliar smells go away and adding our smells to her, seemed odd but that's what she said.. try that.. GOOD LUCK

  7. You grabbed the wrong cat. <}:-})

  8. probably cuz shes stupid and forgets easily

  9. She doesn't recognize him as her buddy because he smells WAY different.  Take a warm cloth,  rub your boy down, let him dry himself and all should be honky-dory.

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