
I have a question about my dinner night tomarrow..?

by Guest56998  |  earlier

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ii am very petite and i have a very small apetite, i always have. i get full very easily..( yes i eat, just not very much) tomarrow i am going to dinner at my bfs house with his parents. they are making a meal for me...i know they are making grilled salmon with other side dishes. How can i make the impression that i ate/eating a lot when im not. because im afraid that if i eat very little they will think i didnt liek the food and if i tell them i have a small apetite they might think i have an eating disorder....please help??? like how can i eat little but make them think im not.?




  1. Hi!

    One thing you could do might seem a little weird. If you break the food up using your fork and scatter the left overs there will look like there is less. It's better to scatter your food than put it in piles.

    Maybe you should tell them you ate something before you came. Say you had to meet you friend and your friend made you something delicious. Tell them you didn't want to be rude not to eat what your friend made.

    Try telling them the truth! Say that you have a small appetite because of your size.

    Hope I helped!

    ~With Love

  2. Take small portions of each item, enjoy it and when offered seconds, decline with a polite but firm no thank you....compliment the meal and the cook, but tell them that you are quite satisfied and don't like to over do.....If they insist....ask them if you could take your seconds home with you for another day.....There would be nothing wrong in explaining that you have a small capacity for food, and eat in small portions always....If they are reasonable people, that will be fine to them...if they are ignorant, then nothing you can say will change them...Don't be ashamed or defensive of your eating habits...but don't make it sound like they are great hogs for eating tons of food....UNLESS you really do have an eating disorder and you're trying to cover it up!!??!!

  3. Make sure you eat throughout the day, but stop about 4 hours before dinner is to be served.  If you starve yourself all day, your stomach will shrink and you will eat less .  Keep your stomach "normal" size by eating normal during the day.

    Avoid any nuts during the day, too, as they will lessen your appetite.  Something in them turns on an "I'm full" signal in your brain.  That's why they're a popular hors d'vour.  =)

    When there, don't drink much during the meal and avoid anything but sips before the meal.  When it comes to the actual meal, focus mainly on the salmon as most the work will go into that.  Take little bites of the side dishes, but keep the salmon as your goal.  Even if you can't eat much, having the main dish attacked the most will leave the best impression.

    Oh, best of luck. I know you're nervous, but you're going to do great!  Have fun!

  4. If you can serve yourself, just take a little of what you like onto your plate.

    I the hostess is serving you will need to mention it to her.

    If you were to come to my house I would tell you to eat as much as you need, and I would serve you a smaller portion.

    To me it would be important if you were to say you thought my mashed potatoes were nice, and the steak in the stew was yummy.

    Be sincere.

  5. Honesty is the best policy. talk to your bf and maybe you can ask him to explain to his folks about your appetite. if he's a good guy he'll explain it to them and they will understand it better from him.

  6. If you eat so little that people make comments, there is cause for concern.  However, as long as you're getting adequate nutrition I would eat what you can and ask if you can save some for later. Explain that you eat small meals throughout the day due to a small appetite. Thank them for the wonderful meal several times so they know you appreciate the gesture. And relax, if you're thinking about how much you're eating and what people are thinking you won't be able to enjoy yourself. Eat what you can and have fun!

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