
I have a question about my eyebrows

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Awhile back I had my eyebrows waxed. The lady who did it screwed up and waxed them almost completely off leaving me with like hardly no eyebrows so I have had to draw them on. What can I do to make them grow back or look more natural. I hate having to draw them on all the time but they don't seem to grow back. Does it take longer than 3-4 months for them to grow back?




  1. same happened to me in dec and they are still screwed up b/c the hair grew back in the opposite direction but you cant really tell. It depends on how fast your hair grows mine took like 3months to grow back I heard castor oil helps make your eyebrows grow back super fast Ive just been to lazy to try it but its worth a shot.

  2. Well my friends cousins shaved hers of as a joke a while back whilst she was sleeping but to be honest with you i hardly even noticed they were gone and hears grew back in about 1-2 months there are some pills you can take to promote hair growth and nail growth they are like supplement tablets wich work and there are also certain foods you can eat that promote hair growth i would try googiling it as you will find website that give you long lists of foods you can eat also rubbing mostuiriser into the skin wear the hair was can help quicken up the process!

    And honestly it dosnt take more than 3-4 months for them to grow back its quicker than that. x

  3. sorry, i tried to email you but i couldn't. you answered my burning s*x question. which kind of lubricant should i get.

  4. It depends for different people. I got my eyebrows really messed up one time, it was horrible. I had to draw them on it took about 3 months for it to completly come back. It sucks becasue i am still insecure about it.

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