
I have a question about my heart..i am a teenager.?

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I am a middle aged teen and not overweight lately ive been a little depressed nervous,and have a phelmy cough..At times such as the morning and night i get a racing heart beat for no reason at all and i have to try to calm it down.I have had this problem a couple years ago but i thought they were panic attacks but i have no reason to have a panic attack in the morning.Also i was got my heart rate done a week ago and it was 103 then 10 minutes later it was 106 at practically resting there something wrong with my heart?am i just ouyt of shape?any suggestions




  1. You very well may be having panic attacks.  They can come anytime for no reason or any reason.  Go see a psychiatrist and let him put you on some meds to relax you.

  2. If you find your heart racing when your resting (especially if you've been resting for a while) and especially if it happens fairly often you should go see your doctor. Having a phlemy cough shouldn't have anything to do with your heart unless you have heart failure (which I doubt you do because there would be more symptoms and they would most likely wreck your life for instance not being able to do anything because of being way too tired)..the only other reason that I know of that a phlemy cough would have anything to do with heart problems or anything of the sort is if you actually have bronchial problems or some problem with your lungs and because of this your heart is having trouble getting enough oxygen and that is causing the minor heart trouble. Having your heart rate change by three beats when you take your heart rate twice, even if you take it three seconds after you had just taken it, is completely normal. Heart rate monitors aren't perfect, and your heart does change its pace that much. It's the same with blood pressure. If you take your blood pressure at 5PM then take it again at 5:05PM it will be a little different, not much, but a little. To take an accurate heart rate or blood pressure you're supposed to take it at the same time every day for a few days or even a week and then take the average. You should go see your doctor. Maybe you're nervous because of something else, maybe you're nervous because this is kinda freaky?.. relax and go see your doctor.  

  3. It's probaby a good idea to go see a doctor. they will do an EKG on you to make sure that the electrical system in your heart is working correctly. It could also be caused from drinking too much caffeine. As far as your pulse being too fast, it's really not that high. If if got higher than 115, then you sould be worried. As far as the depression goes, your doctor can help you out with that too. she may want to give you an anti-anxiety medication to help you relax. Good luck and I hope everything works out!

  4. maybe its just the transition from lying down to standing up from when you were sleeping

    or maybe you have poor circulation.

    i would go to the doctor it could be serious.

  5. My son had those symtoms and he was 16 at the time come to find out he has mitral valve prolapse he is 19 now you need to go0 have it checked out to be sure what you are experiencing.Could be a number of things.

  6. Hi,

    If you feel a panic attack or feelings of anxiety creeping up on you then try this word repetition technique that I learned that helps me to quickly 'snap out' of my panic attacks:

    I simply repeat the words 'cream cake' over and over in my head as quickly as I can without stopping.    You could use any word or words you like really but that's what I chose (because I like cream cakes).  It apparently works because it doesn't give your brain time to process the panicky thoughts and so helps you to relax again.  Seems strange I know ... but it works for me!

    There's also a free ebook that I found really useful called 'Get Rid of Panic and Anxiety for Good'. If you want to take a look you can find it at:    Even though I got it for free it has helped me absolutely loads!

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