
I have a question about rats...??

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whats the best kind of food i can give my 2 new male pet rats?

also can you give some bedding and stuff

thanks for the tips =]





    It can cause respiratory problems.

    I would suggest to use aspen pellet bedding.

    And for food, lab blocks are good as they have the complete rat diet. But give your rat a treat sometimes, or some fresh vegies or fruit because lab blocks taste rather bland to rats.

  2. Well I suggest Kaytee brand food. They make quality food for rats, mice, rabbits, gunea pigs, birds, etc. They make a variety of different flavors, treats, and other stuff. Almost all pet stores have it.

    This is what to look for:

    As for bedding, I suggest Kaytee Pine Bedding and Litter. Just make a nice thick layer of the stuff so the rats can burry themselves in it.


  3. I definitely wouldn't recommend Kaytee as it is generally a poor quality food and has harmful preservatives (ethoxyquin).  A good quality food is a lab block such as Mazuri or Oxbow Regal Rat.

    They can also have healthy treats such as veggies, fruits and whole wheat pasta.  I'd avoid most treats sold in pet stores they tend to be high in sugar and not very healthy.

    For bedding definitely don't use cedar or pine, they can cause respiratory problems.  I prefer Carefresh or Yesterday's News but aspen shavings are also acceptable.  My guys love hammocks, I make my own out of fleece and attach it to the sides of the cage with clothes pins.

    Great info:

  4. Get a good quality rat food.  They also like to have fresh food, fruit and veggies.

    I like to use shredded aspen bedding.

  5. Rats should eat the lab blocks that they make specifically for rats and mice. But dont get the kind that are mainly made up with corn. Mine wont eat them so I have to feed them a vegetarian blend type dog food for older dogs and then substitute it with fruits and vegetables. Good beddings would be carefresh, soft sorbent or Yesterdays news.

  6. For food you need a high quality lab block, Try Mazuri or Harlan-Teklad brands of blocks.  These are available at some feed stores, also on line.   Be careful with the other brands, as I have heard there are preservatives used that are toxic to the ratties. You will need to check that out. You can also give them treats, but they need a good, balanced block.  For bedding I suggest shredded aspen or carefresh, a recycled paper product.  You will also need hammocks, boxes, etc.  to keep the boys entertained.  Have fun!  

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