
I have a question about returning to the USA?

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A month before she left, a cousin told that she heard in the news that she need a passport to travel but we didn't believe her, then 2 weeks before she left she saw a report of this two women that they couldn't travel with there greencard, after that my mom talk to a relative, and that peson said a sister of hers left to Mexico and they didn't ask for a passport and same thing happen to someone my brother in law knows.

Its been on the news for two years?

My mom and dad watch news everyday and they never said nothing.

Then that means that they pass this law 2 years ago?

If it did, why didn't they ask for a passport last December when she left to Mexico?




  1. not sure how your mom got out of the US without a passport? to travel as an US resident, you must have a passport stamped by the USCIS,stating your residency in the US, accompanied by your green card,tell your mom to get a passport now, better than be rejected at the border and have problems.

    oh? she is coming back this Saturday? it is a little late to do anything about her passport,you did not mention how she go out ?plane, car?

    as of september 2007 even US citizen needed a passport;

    US residents? are asked to have a passport since january 2007, if coming by flight;

    by land? passport card, or pass card,does she have that at least? come back, i will check back with in the mean time? go read the instructions on travel,

    Answer: Travel by air

    The U.S. Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative requires travelers entering or re-entering the United States by air to present a passport. Even though the Mexican government does not require a passport for U.S. citizens visiting Mexico as tourists, they'll need to present one to go back to the United States by air.

    Travel by land or sea

    Those traveling by land or sea must present two forms of valid identification such as a birth certificate or naturalization certificate and a driver's license or other identification issued by a state or official agency. These travelers will not be required to present a passport until 2008 (perhaps later), and there is a PASS card (Passport card) in the works that will be credit-card sized and cost less than a passport, which will allow travel in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda.

    tell your mom to get a passport as soon as she can,

  2. yes, but I don't know how your mother get a greencard without passport. well. I don't know. I think..she is fine with greencard.

    check it here too

    About the Initiative

    The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) requires all citizens of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda to have a passport or other accepted document that establishes the bearer’s identity and nationality to enter or depart the United States from within the Western Hemisphere.

    The travel document requirements make up the departments of State and Homeland Security’s Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). This change in travel document requirements is the result of recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission, which Congress subsequently passed into law in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004.

    This travel initiative is being implemented in two phases. The first phase will be for air travel, and the second for land/sea travel.

  3. why would she want to come back? I sure as h**l don't want to come back from Thailand. USA Sucks big time. PS I am Vietnam Vet and decorated for heroism

  4. Did mom fly or drive I would mail her the old passport This must be hard Hope every thing works with out for y'all If she fly call the airline that gave her the ticket

  5. No, she only needs to show her green card, that's her entry/ID document for the US. at the moment, she doesn't need anything more than that to get into the US. This is from the Consular Information Sheet put out by the Department of State at

    U.S. legal permanent residents in possession of their I-551 Permanent Resident card may board flights to the U.S. from Mexico.

  6. Passport is already needed in order to re-enter the US.

  7. > saying she needs a passport to return to USA? Is that true?

    Yes. This has been all over the news for 2 years now. How could she not know?

    But it may nt be effect for her mode of travel - ship or plane, yes. Drive/walk, not sure, but it will be soon if not yet.

    Google is your friend.

  8. Everyone's given you good info.  One more thing- airlines know that if a passenger does not have documentation to enter the USA, they'll 1) get a fine and 2) be required to carry that passenger back. This is a significant monetary incentive for airlines to make sure the passenger has the bare minimum required to arrive in the USA.

    I think it's technically right that all persons need a passport. However, the I-551 is a USA-issued document that proves identity and the right to be in the USA.  I think your mom will be all right.

    One thing you haven't said- how long has she been outside the USA?  She has a statutory requirement to be physically present at least one time in a 365-day period. If she's been gone more than a year, that could be another problem for her.

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