We live in a older three story house. Our a/c cools down the house fine, the main floor gets the chilliest and the second floor where the bedrooms are, don't get as cooled off. Furthermore, our bedroom, where we sleep and the newborn in a bassinet, has the most trouble getting cooler.
Every night, we crank the a/c to 65, which cools the upstairs to about 70, and our bedroom to about 72-74 degrees. So far, our baby has sleep fine through the night. I've checked his tummy and he's never been sweaty or hot to the touch. He sleeps in cotton sleepers, no hat, no blanket and we keep our bedroom's air moving with a ceiling fan and box fan. We don't like it warm either.
My question is...
Is the room temperature okay for my son? Should I put him in his baby crib where it's more cooler, and skip the bassinet altogether? I'm breastfeeding, would this be a good idea?