
I have a question about shaving pubes...

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I have shaved my pubes a few times, and I am trying to get them to grow back perfectly even and everything, because sometimes I guess I would just do a touch-up and stuff and they got uneven. What is the best way to make them grow back completely even?




  1. Wait until they come out enough to trim them evenly, and stop shaving there, are you a little boy wanna be?  

  2. maybe next time you can simply trim them with scissors and cut them to the even length you want, i trim mine that way

  3. They will be as even as your genetics and endocrine levels allow for. You don't change distribution of hair by cutting or trimming, etc.

  4. I would think that they would grow back even once you did shave them.  But you could always trim them if you think they are uneven, but I think that isn't a good way to even them out.  But I wouldn't worry about them growing unevenly.  And the hair on the back of your p***s should grow back evenly, but I take care of that.

  5. Best way is just let them grow back completely and then once they're grown back, trim them then.  Same principle that you use for growing a beard and getting it to look the way you want it.  They'll look messy for awhile, but once you trim them, with scissors and a razor, you'll have the look you want.

  6. Are you that shallow & vain to want a perfect look from head to toe?  You don't have much to do in life, I suppose.

  7. Trim them even.

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