
I have a question about shortsightedness.?

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1. when i make a very small holes with my finger, and see thu it, i can see the faraway things and words also like as if my glasses is on. Why is it so?

2. How can i prevent the degree of my eyesight increasing? And how to take GOOD care of my eyes?

3. serious answer please. Thank you.=)




  1. I'm shortsighted and i've never heard such thing? All i know is the cornea is curved which is why we find it hard to focus on things that are too far away. There's no way to prevent your eyes from getting worse apart from wearing your glasses when you need too. To protect your eyes, make sure you don't wear out-to-date make-up, which can cause infections, and always blink to keep it moist.

  2. The pinhole effect blocks many of the angled light rays that need to be focused. The parallel light rays don't need much focusing so we see much clearer.

    So sad that so many believe that human eyesight is so crappy. We are soo duped. 70 to 90 percent of Americans have blurry vision.

    Human eyesight is so amazing. It is the best on the planet. We are one of the few creatures that can see amazing in the daytime and the night. Because human vision is so amazing, it leaves space for us to interfere with it.

    Once a person starts to wear artificial corrections(glasses, contacts,  surgery) their vision is dramatically reduced. Artificial corrections rob us of our 3D vision making everything appear flat and two dimensional. They also diminish our awareness of texture and diminish color intensity.

    Look for Natural Eyesight Improvement and the Bates Method. Avoid anything that talks about eye exercises(eye pushups, eye aerobics, eye yoga) We need to upgrade our vision software for these complex times. In  other words we need to unlearn the incorrect vision habits and relearn the correct vision behaviors.

  3. 1) is the pinhole camera effect.  For a given refractive error, the amount of blur that creates on the retina is proportional to the governing pupil size: a tiny pupil, natural or artificial, will give less blur without changing the basic refractive state of the eye.

    2) there is no proven method of preventing refractive change.

    In almost everyone it's basically a growth thing, and the Rx stabilises when growth stops somewhere between 18-24.

    Avoiding excessive closework at short distance is recommended*, and good (but not massive) levels of vitamins and minerals as found in a normal good diet.

    *a small proportion of people may be prone to promoting their short-sight, by excessive closework.  This is still being discussed (argued about).   Many people have horrible closework habits and never go short-sighted...

    Play safe: keep a long working distance, and take short breaks at least every hour to re-establish distance focus.

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