
I have a question about skateboarding.?

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i ride with my left foot in front, if that makes a difference. when i go to push should my right foot go behind me or in front of me.

does it make a difference on a long board?




  1. infront then push back....go get em tony hawk..!?

  2. doesnt matter its just either makes u a mangoose or a goofy skateboarder.

    goofy is ur feet is in the front n u push wit da oder one.

    mangoose is ur bak feet is on da board n push wit da oder.

    ur a mangoose skater.

  3. sorry, u didnt word that right, im confused

  4. lmao "mangoose" didnt word that too well, but i'll try. if you normally ride with your left foot in front your stance is "regular"..if you keep your front [left] foot in the front of the board while riding..your kicking and pushing style is normal..your supposed to kick out in front of you a little, then push on the ground to move , im sure you know that.

    if you ride with your left foot in the front, but when your kicking and pushing, keep your back [right] foot on the board and kick and push with your front [left] foot then thats fine too your kicking and pushing style is called "mongo"

    im not sure if this is the answer you wanted at all but i hope i helped you out

    and no it doesnt make a difference on a longboard

  5. it should go infront of you and then push

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