
I have a question about sprinting instead of jogging please help me out?

by  |  earlier

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So I am going to take this other person's advice and give my all in sprinting instead of jogging, since jogging would take longer for the same effect..

My question is, how many sprints would I have to do for it to be effective and the equivalent to an hour long jog? I think I will do 100m sprints, and I will try and give my all. Please help me out based on that!




  1. Distance also comes into play. On average for every mile, you'll burn 100 calories. So if you are looking to be more fit, then running or jogging will be your best bet. If you are worries about the amount of time being spent 'jogging' and not getting a desired effect, then try increasing your jogging speed to a light run. That way you can cover more ground and get a better workout in the same time period.

    The others also have it correct that sprinting and jogging will work different muscle groups in the legs. Running/jogging are the best for cardio solutions and burning calories.

    I keep a runner's blog if you are interested (see below) it usually has some great tips and running stories. Good Luck.

  2. Well sprinting and jogging build different things. Sprinting builds muscle while jogging builds endurance and cardio activity. Sprinting takes more form and technique than jogging, so they're not really comparable in that way.

  3. jogging and sprinting can work different muscles and in different ways. it would help to know why you want to work out? if its just to stay in shape then you should just stick with jogging. but if you want ot do it to get strenth and get faster then sprinting would be the ideal work out. but more info would help!

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