
I have a question about starting ballet or dance classes.?

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I'm 14. I've been very involved in the performing arts; I sing, act, and play the piano. I also draw and write. I would like to learn how to dance, because I am fond of the idea of going on Broadway, but I'm not sure if I'm too old to begin. Now I have no desire to be a ballerina, but do many places offer beginning ballet/dance classes for teens? Or if not ballet (seems a little too disciplined for me...) can you suggest what a good style/kind of class would be ideal? Thanks.




  1. hip hop would be great...i have been in hip hop dince i was four and im on my school dance team is so much fun i promise.i look foward to goin to classes...any who....the place i go to is in hendersonville and it is called smart offers classes for children, teens and offers many classes....jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, and others that i cant think of rite now....if you are interested send me an email at

  2. I have been doing dance for 3 years and i am already doing solo dancing and preforming in front of hundreds of people!! I prefer on starting on jazz though!! BEST OF LUCK!!!

  3. I personally prefer lyrical. I just love it. It's faster than ballet and is expressive. It's still graceful, though.  You're never too old to try something new: Go for it! Choose whatever type of dance you would like the best, though!

  4. Yeah don't worry, there are many ballet classes for teens and adults that are just beginning.  Ballet is the foundation of all dances; if you can dance ballet, you can dance anything.  But if there aren't classes available, you could try jazz dance (they have terms and moves similar to ballet).  However, I do suggest taking ballet before any other dance forms...I took jazz dance last semester at my college and one of the reasons I was struggling was because I didn't take ballet first or concurrently with it!  Ballet gives you the strength, flexibility, grace, and coordination to do other dance styles.

  5. I know that this certainly isn't what you want to hear, but ballet is definitely the foundation for good styles of other dance. Other than hip hop, of course.

    Where I live, there are tons of beginner ballet classes for teens.

    I'll outline the styles of dance for you. (:  (excluding ballet. heh.)

    There's modern, which is very angular and strange. Like modern art, but with dance.

    There's lyrical, which is very flowy and spiritual and all about feeling. There's a lot of ballet technique involved.

    Jazz is fun and sassy. Sort of like ballet, but less conservative and disciplined. It's very easy to love jazz.

    Then there's hip hop, which is just... Well... I'm not sure how to describe it.

    Hip hop is the least disciplined, but, trust me, the other styles are just as great. (:

  6. I would look for a Modern dance class. It is much less disciplined than ballet but you learn the same body control and many of the same movements. It is also easy to pick up, within the 1st few classes you will understand the basics. It is fun and easy. From there you may want to try lyrical, ballet, hip hop, or theatrical dancing but Modern is a good place to start.

  7. if you like broadway, they do a lot of Jazz especially. also modern and lyrical type classes are very fun and use lots of emotion and storytelling.

  8. Maybe Hip Hop!! I started when i was 9! but most Hip hop Dance Company's do offer beginner classes for Adults or teens!! You could probably Find Ballet Classes for Adults or teens, Jazz or Modern!! Any style of Dance!!!! What area do you live in?

  9. ok just to start off i am a dance and have been for 13 years. I love it it gives me something to make me happy and more sucure. My sstudio does offer dancce classes for beginers and i would think most do. (well depends whare u live) Dance would be something wonderful to do and might come a bit easy to you if you are good at like performing. and as for ballet yes it is disciplin but it is worth it. I do thap jazz hip hop and ballet and i love them all. as a biggner at 14 i would go for like jazz, ballet, or hip hop and if you like it and catch on fast maby go and try tap. (it may be hard at firdt but all i can say is practic and ALLWAYS give 110%

    I hope it works out well for you and good luck!!!

    (dance like no one is watching)

  10. I think you are never to old to dance! Most places offer teen through adult beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes! You sound very talented and probably wont have a problem with dancing. Broadway now requires the ability to be a triple threat (sing, act and dance) and their is no one thing! If you can learn ballet, you can learn ANY style of dance. And most places wont let you take just another style. They will probably make you do a ballet class with each other style you want. I suggest doing all styles (even ballet. It's not THAT disciplined). I hope this helps!

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