
I have a question about surgery BUT do you have the answer ??

by  |  earlier

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I really have wanted this profesion since i was in the 6th grade. Now im in the 10th and i never changed my future career.

I have an A average (3.6) , I'm in honors classes and Im a good student

If you are a trained specalist with a degree in this area plz help.

Can yo tell me the things you wished you could have done so i could know ??

What do i have to major in in College ?

What classes should i take ?

Will the classwork be really hard in college ?

Please try to answer my question (s)




  1. to answer your questions

    What do i have to major in in College ?

    you have to major in pre-med study it is roughyl 4 years something like a biology major or something like that talk to your college counsellor to get  abetter relative field of study.

    What classes should i take ?  classes to take include biology chemestry and other related to the medical field of perfession.

    Will the classwork be really hard in college ?  Well a normal medical student carries 10 classes where as the typical student only carries 8 classes.  the classes are a bit tougher and well you will really have to work at it to become a doctor.  You really have to want it.

  2. physics, chemistry and mainly biology...

    some countries let you do med without physics, but check

    study really hard...tht 3.6 should become a 3.8

    develop a soft spot for humanity and those less previlaged, cause if you want to become a sugeron to earn money lemme tell you DON'T

    in the USA, you need to do a B.Sc./B.S. for some time before going into medicine...its a waste of life...go anywhere but there for a good medicine degree...

    will medical classwork be hard...

    h**l YEAH

    but its a lot of fun as well...not for the faint of have to cut up a dead body...

  3. To clarify you have to do the 4 years of college, 4 years of med school, 2 years residence to become a medical doctor. You then have to complete an extra 1-3 years of surgical training to become a surgeon, and you are in a cithroat industry.

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