
I have a question about the Hague and the Karadzic trial

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With the start of the trial of the former Serbian leader, I was wondering what language is to be used at the trial. I'm assuming there will be international input so it cannot be Serbian.




  1. Serbian,english and french was in use in Milosevic trial. There are many translators in courtroom

  2. Basically it already started the day after he arrived in NL with regard to putting the charges forward (and this was adjorned to a later date for this to be renewed by the prosecution)

    The trial is in English.  The judge and prosection speak English, and it is translated of course into Serbian (and I suppose French being the other official language of the UN).  Karadzic (representing himself) replied in Serbian which was in turn translated to English

    You can view the trial proceddings when they start again online on the ICTY in English definately (this is what I watched it in), and there was a Serbian language option but this was not working at the time

  3. Whatever the language of the place where the trial is, is.  The defendant will have headphones on and the words will be interpreted in his language so he will hear everything.

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