
I have a question about the Hijab?? ?

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I see women on here saying it's a personal choice to wear the hijab and others say its obligatory. What is the truth??

Mulima's who *DO* wear the hijab, do you look down on the ones who don't??




  1. It is both in a way. It is a personal choice if you want to wear the hijab which is OBLIGATORY. =)

    The hijab is basically covering the body in a modest way except for the hands and face.

    Oh .. and no I don't look down on anyone - whether they wear one or not. They can be 10x better than be spiritually and much more religious than I am, except they don't wear the hijab.

  2. I wear the Hijab because I believe Allah (swt) wants women to do so. It is a personal choice because we have free will, but we will be held accountable for our choices.

    I do not look down on women who don't wear the hijab. Its unfair to do this. She might be more pious and devoted to her faith than me so what gives me the right to judge?. I treat people the way I would want them to treat me.

  3. I guess a better way to put it would be that it is obligatory to wear the hijab and that obligation must come out of your concious decision and choice to follow it.

  4. It's obligatory by God (depending how you interpret the Qur'an however), but optional by freedom of choice. No one can MAKE you wear it, you can choose to wear it.

  5. hijab is not a choice.......  i wear it because i have to......but i want and i love wearing it at the same time............. of course  i dont look down at the people who dont wear it...... cause you never know, maybe they are better than me in heart.......... but i pray to god to show them, and all of us, the right path and make it easier for them to wear it

  6. There are muslim scholars who say wearing the hijab is un-Islamic:

  7. I wear the HIjab as I believe it is a commandment from Allah (swt) while others will refute and say no. I do not look down on anyone, if one adopts the Hijab then Alhamdulillah and if not then it is up to them, we are all accountable for our own deeds.

  8. I am a Muslim woman

    by Jenn Zaghloul

    I am a Muslim woman

    Feel free to ask me why

    When I walk,

    I walk with dignity

    When I speak

    I do not lie

    I am a Muslim woman

    Not all of me you'll see

    But what you should appreciate

    Is that the choice I make is free

    I'm not plagued with depression

    I'm neither cheated nor abused

    I don't envy other women

    And I'm certainly not confused

    Note, I speak perfect English

    Et un petit peu de Francais aussi

    I'm majoring in Linguistics

    So you need not speak slowly

    I run my own small business

    Every cent I earn is mine

    I drive my Chevy to school & work

    And no, that's not a crime!

    You often stare as I walk by

    You don't understand my veil

    But peace and power I have found

    As I am equal to any male!

    I am a Muslim woman

    So please don't pity me

    For God has guided me to truth

    And now I'm finally free!

  9. Sister, I do not look down at those who do not wear it, rather I pray for them to get on the right path. Its nothing about personal choice or preferences, they say this out of their own wishes and desires for which they are sinful.

    I say Hijab is an obligation.

    Allah says (meanings in English) {and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc} [24:31]

    Allah says: {O Prophet! Tell your wives and the woman of the believers to draw their cloak (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is ever oft- forgiving,Most Merciful} [33:58]

    Allah also says:“{…And not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils all over their bodies, and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husband’s sons, their brothers or their brother’s sons or their sister’s sons, or their women or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of s*x}.[24:30]

    Rest Allah knows the best~!;...;...

  10. As a corollary to the item immediately preceding, about the epidemic of Muslim gang rapes in France, here is the Islamic view of rape as described at Ask the Imam. (Hat tip: Ernie G.)

        Q: Please could you tell me if the Virgin female should perform any special prayers, fast etc. JazakAllah for your advise. 2)Has she lost her Vaginity as she was raped? 3)has she also lost her blessings?

        A: If a female was raped due to her not maintaining the laws of Hijaab, she is partly to be blamed as the rapist will be considered as being seduced by her revealing form and shape. She should make Tawbah (sincerely repent) by also adhering to the laws of Hijaab.

        and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

        Mufti Ebrahim Desai

        FATWA DEPT.

    Imam justifies rape

    of unveiled women

    Australian cleric compares victims

    to 'uncovered meat' that attracts cats


    Posted: October 26, 2006

    1:40 pm Eastern

    © 2008

    Australia's top Muslim cleric rationalized a series of gang rapes by Arab men, blaming women who "sway suggestively," wear make-up and don't cover themselves in the tradition of Islam.

    What does Islam say about keeping concubines(which your right hand possesses)? Is it permissible still? If not, then why? And if yes, how do we justify it in todays world?

    It seems that Quran has allowed it and I could not find any hadith prohibiting it. Then why do majority of Muslims around the world believe that it is not allowed to have concubines? surely there must have been a ruling on it by scholars. what are those rulings? Pls. advise.

    In Islam, Christianity and Judaism according to their original scriptures,

    captives of war may be enslaved. Besides, this, no other person can be taken

    as a slave.

    Allah is our creator and ultimate Master. We, as his creations and slaves

    are obliged to express our servitude to Him Alone. If one does not submit

    his slavery to Allah, which of course is far more heinous and unjust to

    Allah in comparison to the 'injustices' of slavery and sexual relationship,

    etc. by a human master.

    Since the human being did not willingly submit to the ultimate Master,

    Allah, He condemns them to the unwilling slavery of his sincere slaves. And

    by understanding the powers of a man master, they may understand the Powers

    of the True Master, Allah. In fact, the concept of slavery should be

    regarded as a concept of mercy, as the heinous crime of rejecting Allah as

    our Master demands immediate terminating of life. Allah, our kind Master,

    has granted an opportunity to his very negators to enjoy a second chance of

    life and redirect it to the right avenue by submitting to Him as the

    ultimate Master.

    and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

    Mufti Ebrahim Desai

  11. I wear Hijab and, no I don't look down and those who do not wear it. To tell the truth, I don't wanna waste my thoughts wondering and judging others for their choice. cuz I donno, mayb the one who does not wear Hijab is even better then me.

    As Muslimas, yes, we are supposed to wear hijab. Allah tells us in the Qur'an to cover ourselves, which means that we have to follow whatever He says, and that's it - no arguement. But, a problem is that, many people decide to follow their OWN interpretations because of what they feel is right. Every human will have a difference of opinion, but it is wrong to argue to such extents that some people do.

    "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their zeenah (charms, or beauty and ornaments) except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their khimar (veils) over their bosoms and not display their zeenah except to their husbands, their fathers .... and that they should not strike their feet so as to draw attention to their hidden zeenah (ornaments)." (24:31-32)

    Now, I know what many “modern” Muslims are screaming. Nowhere in these verses does it say to literally take a piece of cloth and wrap it around your head. Which means it doesn’t explain things in an idiotically literal way—it for example does not say, “Oh believing women thou shalt take a piece of cloth, tie it firmly around your head and pin it with a good quality pin to guard your modesty.”  But guess what, it does say something just as clear—not as literal, but just as clear. In verse 24:31-32 above, the word khimar appears. Most translators of the Qur’an believe that khimar refers to a loose scarf worn by women during the Prophet’s (pbuh) that covered the head and neck. Verse 24:31 states that women are to also use the khimar to cover their bosoms. This would not mean to only cover the bosoms since the khimar already covers the head and neck.  The verses from the Qur’an give guidelines for women to protect and guard their modesty—the verses are clear, definite and precise—there is no arguing that women have indeed been commanded to practice modesty in a very specific way.

    Many Muslimas don't Hijab because of society, ignorance, or personal choice, etc. whatever else. But because it tells us in the Holy QUR'AN to cover ourselves in modesty, it means we have to.

    Only Allah can judge

  12. Aside from the debate over whether the Holy Quran says that Allah commands it, Mila has it right. Even if you believe it is "obligatory," it is your own personal choice how pious you choose to be. Allah gave us free will, the option to make our own individual choices.

    Another answer said that the idea there is no compulsion in religion doesn't fit here is wrong. This is exactly the type of situation in which that refers to -- you should not be coerced into doing anything in the name of religion, it needs to come from the heart.

  13. I believe that it is your personal choice because in the Qu'ran it doesn't explicit say to wear a scarf but mentions that one must be conservative in dress. It depends on whose opinion you ask, a hard line conservative well say you must meanwhile an open-minded Muslims well say it is your personal choice.

  14. Okay , everyone has a different interpretation. In the Quran from what i know and what i researched it said the Prophets wives would cover their faces for protection. Thats the only time it mentioned covering up in the Quran. So i interpret that as, not required. If hijab was soo important, wouldnt it be one of the 5 pillars? Anyways Im Muslim and i dont wear one. I believe it was just entwined with culture, because the pagan arabs would cover their women, but they were pagan? It was part of their culture, their traditions. Covering up is not only an islamic thing, the pagans,  early christians did it, and Jews, and even today some of them do, but u will not see things in the bible or talmud that says to cover up. You see holy texts referring to being modest, but not necessarily covering up a certain way.  I know that in islam it is a practice to cover when your praying, but that is all i have heard of as far as covering and since they pray five times a day, it is a hassle to take it off and put it back on, not to mention the desert sun that would heat their heads, and the sandstorm that would blow in their mouths and eyes, hence the whole covering up even before islam thing.

    Wearing a hijab is not required in Islam and not necessary at all.

    Alot of muslim women dont cover up. Wearing hijab has nothing to do with being a good muslim. There are women who wear hijab and do everything, ive seen it. and there are women who dont cover, and they are kind, nice, good hearted people. Islam, the most important thing is how kind we are to others.

    Islam is all about the inner beauty, not the outer appearance!!!

  15. Salam for you my dear friendThe truth of wering hijab is not a personal choice but it is an obligatory as stated in the Qur'an.Please read surah 7 Al Araaf verse 26  :Hey the children and grandchildren of Adam really We (Allah and angels) have given clothes for covering your privy (aurat) and for your own decoration.But taqwa (faith)cloth is better.It is part of signs of the authority of Allah,hope you will remember.In verse 31 Allah spoke Hey the children and grandchildren of Adam,please wear your best cloth every you enter the mosque,eat and drink but do not exagerated.Really Allah hates exageration.In surah 24 An Nuur verse 31 Allah spoke.Tell to the women in faith  that they should protect their gaze and maintain their privy and do not show their aurat,except that is usually seen.And they should  cover by wearing hijabs to their chests and do not show their aurats.,except to their husbands,fathers,fathers in law,and their children,their brothers and sisters and their cousins or among muslim women or other young children who do not understand yet about woman's aurat.

    In surah 33 Al Ahzab verse 59 Allah spoke :Hey prophet tell to your wives,daughters and to mukmin's wives that they should cover their aurat with hijab through out their bodies for easiness to be recognized and they are not disturbed

    So the good muslim woman does not see others who did not wear hijab because the instruction of Allah is the most important.

  16. Of course it's an obligation. You cannot take God's word and obey those which suit you, that's what some people do.

    The other day, some woman asked a question regarding the Hijab, and quoted the verse from the Qur'an 'There is no compulsion in religion', and tried arguing that it's not 'compulsory' to wear the Hijaab. How absurd. That verse is referring to a whole different matter.

    Muslim women are "obliged" to wear the Hijab as soon as they reach puberty, as indicated in the Qur'an, and Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)  

    Note: Sadly, some parents 'force' their daughters to wear the Hijab, this is wrong. A Muslim girl must wear the Hijab from her own will, for all the right reasons.

    EDIT: The principle basis for anything being Hara'am or Halal is not just Qu'ran, but also Hadith and deduction of the Fuqahaa (Jurists). A lot of Muslims have this ludicrous mentality, if something that is sort to be forbidden, if not mentioned in the Qur'an, then they will pay no heed to the (Shariah) ruling. This is actually going against the teachings of the Prophet (Pbuh)...There are a lot of things for us Muslims that are strictly prohibited, which are not necessarily mentioned in the Qur'an.

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