
I have a question about the men's gymnastics after watching them on the Olympics?

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Do they have to worry about erections showing through their pants? It seems like it could be a logical concern since their pants seem to show the outline of that area.




  1. These guys are representing their nation in the most important event in their sporting career, in front of millions of viewers....

    All the viagra in the world couldn't give you an erection under that sort of pressure. So no; I dont think its a problem.

  2. HAHAAHA. This question made me laugh. Even if they did get that, they wouldn't care. They are competing to try to get gold and an erection isn't going to stop them.

  3. first off.. DO YOU KNOW HOW TIGHT THOSE LEOTARDS ARE?? under the shorts/pants that they wear there is a one piece leotard! plus some of the men are wearing protective pieces. So an erection is not in the cards for the olympians!! ive been around gymnastics for a long time, and i dont think ive ever heard of that happening!! good question though!!


    this is just about the funniest thing ive read all day!

    they wear leotards under the pants which r super tight and probably wont be able to let it do that cuz it will be pushing it down so hard.

    omg thats hilarious.

    well i guess thats probly what happens. i wouldnt know cuz im a girl.

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