
I have a question about this whole RUSSIA - GEORGIA CRISIS!!?

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could the US defend Georgia even if it wanted too? do they have enough materials over there to do it?

i am assuming it would have to be with air and sea power but wouldn't Russia have a huge advantage given it is in their backyard?

what are your thoughts?




  1. Georgia is the one who threw the first punch, according to the news, and yet we are going to support them over russia.  Russia were only protecting their own people.  The US could defend, but not for long, Russia will send several missles our way, thanks to the idiot in office now.  Support peace not war.

  2. ok can i please get this straight!

    everbody is taking georgias side because the spineless idiots didnt think before they acted and are now to weak to fight back.

    They attacked first and pissed russia off and now russia is making an example of the them and crushing don't mess with russia.

  3. I think the russians are pshycos and that they don't care about peoples live

  4. The US can't even defeat Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which even has a military. The military superiority of the US is largly a myth. Our last big "victory" was against Grenada.

  5. I would think we would just air drop supplies and try to help without actually fighting. We don't want to have U.S. brass start flying in there. The last thing we need is Russia fighting against us. Keep in mind though that Georgia started this c**p, and Russia is just giving them the what for. Georgia needs to learn this lesson; never s***w with Russia. I suppose if worse comes to worse, and the brass does start flying, we would have to fight.

  6. Easily, but there are always unforeseen consequences to any given action. The fact is, Russia exposed their total inability to stand against the US and/or NATO. Their entire armored contingency that they invaded with could not have stood against a single Apache Squadron.

    It is more a matter of can Russia be contained with economic isolation and prevent further loss of life. Their actions brought a huge hit to their markets and the simple fact is, without foreign involvement, Russia will not be able to maintain the industries that they have stolen. If those companies leave, Russia will degrade even further.

    No Harry, US Military doctrine requires them to sustain 4 independent fronts simultaneously.

  7. Why would the west want to defend them?

    It would be ignorant and stupid to try to deny what has happened` it is way too clear the Georgians were the 1st to strike at civilians in this incident! Check the link and listen to Mikhail Saakashvili in his own words try without success to deny his intentions of bringing the international community to the point of war` listen to it and it is clear what his intentions were and still are! This man is trying to cause a new world war.

  8. not even close

  9. no, we can not.

  10. No thoughts not my business. Just like I don't care what Paris Hilton did this week. I don't see how this is going to change my life in anyway so why should I care?

  11. I think They're talking about the Nation Georgia if I'm not mistaken...

  12. The USA could use NATO forces to defend Georhgia if Georgia had been able to join the EU and then NATO. Unfortunately for Georgia

    she is as yet a membe rof neither organisation. Georgia could however seek immediate membership of the EU and NATO.

  13. Yes - the US is a superpower who can readily project its power to where-ever needed!


  14. The US military is built to fight 2 war fronts at one time. But, at this moment I would say that if the US went into help Russia we would get out butts kicked because of the wear and tear on our equipment and men who have been doing the bulk of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we fight Russia we would need a  military draft of young men to influx out military. Russia is a class one military with class one weapons. Plus, we would have to ship everything over to Europe when all Russia has to do is fly from the home bases. Logistics would be horrible for the US.  

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