
I have a question about tipping? Is it required in the USA?

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20% seem like too much? Maybe 8% or 10% is more appropriate?

What about to go orders? I say that is no tip required.




  1. Is it required? No. However, keep in mind that most servers make well below minimum wage. Many make only around $2.15 per hour. Therefor, for all their struggles, without tips an 8 hour day of work would bring in just under $20 dollars.

    Further, most servers are required to tip the bartender a set percentage for every drink that they sell. Therefor, lets say that they are required to tip the bartender 10% of their total sales in alchohol. If they have a table that spends $30 in alchohol, the server will be required to tip the bartender $3 at the end of the night for that table. If that table doesn't leave a tip for the server, the server has literally paid money out of their own pocket to wait on that table.

    While many times we are forced to endure very low quality service, we must always keep in mind that this is often due to factors outside of the servers control. Somehow, when the kitchen is taking too long on the food, cooks it improperly, or when the server is physicially unable to give their customers proper service because managment did not schedule enough people that day, it is always the server that is "fed to the wolves" and takes the financial hit. So unless the server was blatantly rude, it is always best to give them the benefit of the doubt and ask yourself if all this is really the servers fault. When this situation comes up, it is better to speak to the manager and explain to them that you feel that you should be compensated for enduring poor service, than to unfairly take it out of the server's pocket. 10% is the very minimum that you should tip since this is usually what the server has to tip the bartender and buser, with 15% becoming the new minimum. 20% is pretty standard for good service.

    As far as take-out orders... this one is a little more of a gray area. It really depends on how much work the individual who you are tipping put into the take-out order. In many places, the bartender simply grabs the order from the kitchen and rings it up. Not much work there at all. However, if the person who is getting it has put a substantial effort into it, and they had to take time away from their other "tipping" table to sevre you, it is nice to leave a little gesture of appreciation.

  2. Tipping may not be required, but it is certainly very rude not to tip.  In the US, most waitresses make a very small wage.  Not even minimum wage, because the government expects that they will receive tips.  They get taxes as if they made minimum wage.  

    It depends on the service, for someone who has to ask such a question 20% is probably not a bad idea.  The absolute minimum is double the tax.    For to go orders it really depends.  Since you were not served, you generally do not tip on to go orders.

  3. I always start at a 20% tip for servers (I live in Chicago).  If they were great, I give more.  

    15%-20% is the standard here in the US.  8-10% is a very small tip, and I would only leave that if the service was faulty in some way.

    For to go orders, I usually add an extra dollar or two (or five) depending on the cost of the order.  Someone did have to pack it up for you and make sure everything was correct.

  4. I feel if the service is good (polite staff, meal delivered on time, the standard) then yes a 20% tip is appropriate. If the service is however sub-par then you aren't required to leave any tip at all. As for to go orders, I don't think a tip is required there.

  5. Tipping isn't needed for to go orders. You do have to tip at any restaurant where a waiter serves you. (It's not a law, of course, but that's how waiters make most of their money.) If you only tip 8-10% you're a tightwad. 15% is a good baseline, tip more or less depending on the service.

  6. Sometimes at to go places there will be a tip jar and so I put a $5 or something. At restaurants I do tip based on service but I always leave at least $5 because I know that in America it is very hard right now and the waiters just do not make very much salary.

    Of course neither one is required but it isn't polite to not tip.

  7. It depends on where you're eating.  It's generally expected in fine restaurants, and some even tack it right onto the bill.  At less exclusive restaurants, but that still have table service, it's not required, but you'll probably get a dirty look from your waitress if you don't... they get paid below minimum wage because it's assumed that they'll make up the different in tips.

    In places where tipping would be expected, 15% to 20% is pretty standard.

    You would not be expected to tip at a fast food place, or if you're getting your food to go, but if you're having it delivered, it's fairly common to tip the delivery person (usually people just tell them to keep the change).

  8. Tipping is not "required" in the USA unless the menu or other notices make it clear otherwise, such as an automatic percentage added to any table with more than a certain number of people.  However, tipping is often appropriate and expected.  Opinions differ significantly, though, about the when and how much.

    For example, to-go orders are usually not tipped.  However, if your order required special handling, extras, and etc., a tip may be appropriate.

    As for dine-in tipping, 8-10% is too low by most standards.  Also, please note that servers in many states are paid much less than the minimum wage AND they often have to pay income tax on a certain percentage of their checks even if the customers did not leave that much in tips.  On the more conservative side, tip 12-15%.  I usually tip more than 15% unless the service was lousy, and often tip over 20% -- and my state is one of the few where servers are paid at least the minimum wage.

  9. It's not "required", but it's the normal thing to do. I always tip 20% if I can or if they were a good waiter/waitress. But I think what is exceptional or actually expected is 15%.

    On to go orders I just usually give them about 5-8%. Some people don't tip on to go items, but I figure that it must be a hassle to load up what you want in the containers and bag it up.

    Have A Great Day!

  10. Tipping is a standard practice in the U.S.   It is not legally required, but it is a social custom.  

    Tipping, and how much to tip, depends on the type and quality of the service.  

    For restauarants, usually 15% is standard.  You can tip more or less depending on how good the service was.

    You do not need to tip for take-out or to-go orders, because technically no "service" was rendered, just a product.

  11. Waitresses make 2.75 an hour! They live on tips. 20% is NOT too much! make sure that your friends from other countries know that if they come to the US. Because im sick of forigners NOT tipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheep asses.

  12. I do not tip on to-go orders.

    Waiters live on their tips and are paid less than the mininum wage. By paying them 8-10 percent you are basically disrespecting them.  The lowest amount is 15%; it can be 20% if you are very satisfied.

  13. Tipping is a bonus, it is never "required" though many it's generally expected when you are being served.  I always tip at least 20%, though 15% is the minimum expectation (my Mom was a waitress back when they called them waitresses).  I don't tip on a carryout or to go order, though I do tip on delivery (same percentages).

  14. It's not required, but its the nice thing to do. The average is 15% but it all varies on how well the service was and all that. Just depends on how you feel. Im sure servers would say differently though.. lol. To go orders? No, you dont need to give a tip there. Sometimes I like to give a tip to delivery drivers though, but some companies are already adding on a delivery fee so that annoys me!

    Hope this helps! :)

  15. tipping is not required, its to show that u are pleased with the customer service.

    u should never tip when taking food out. unless u trying to impress someone.

    if u do tip, then tip according to your salary.

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