
I have a question about tuberculosis?

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i just got the test for it yesterday (where they poke a needle in your mid arm and inject stuff into it) and i wanted to know what to look for. do you want it to be a kinda big red circle on your arm? or do you want it to be a small circle? (small as in 5 millimeters and big as in 15 mm or more)




  1. A PPD (TB test) is read by assessing the amount of induration that develops 48-72 hours after the test is administered.  What this means is that the person who "reads" your test will examine the test area for a bump or elevation of the skin.  A negative test will produce no induration (no bump that can be felt).  A bump of 15 millimeters in size or greater is read as positive for TB, although special populations (such as those with HIV or who are undergoing immunosuppressive therapy) may be read as positive with a bump as small as 5 millimeters.

  2. i agree with above but that test only shows if your exposed to TB, not that you have it. If its positive then you have to have a chest X-Ray to see if you have anything in your lungs. also if its positive but there is nothing in your x-ray then they will put you on preventive medication for about 6-9 months. Also some types of vaccines (if you got them while living in a different country) will make the results positive. And once it says its positive its forever positive. so if you have to take this test again tell your Dr. first and he'll just have u take a x-ray. Each x-ray is valid for about 3 years.      

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