
I have a question about veneers?

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Like can veneers can get rid of a gap or crooked teeth? Because when Demi Lavato got her teeth done she got rid of her gap. Did the dentist gave her veneers or did they like moved her teeth together. And Miley Cyrus got veneers too. And I forgot why she got them for. And how much do they cost because I want 4 top teeth redone and thats it. My bottom teeth are all straight.




  1. ha...veneers

  2. If the gap is minor or the crooked teeth is minor it can be corrected with veneers.  When the gap is corrected the teeth need to be wider to fill in the space. If making the teeth wider will not make them look too fat then it  is ok if not then braces are needed. Veneers can cost around $1000 per tooth in United States.

  3. The cost in which you get 4 veneers, you can have your entire smile done for much less price in India.

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