
I have a question about wine and medicine?

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Ok First I am old enough to drink =D, second I am taking metaformine for POCS and I take FemconFe birth control, I drink about 5 ounces MAX on Fri. nights and I was wondering would that have any effect on my medication? I DO not drink to get drunk and I would it be better to skip that day to take my meds, or can I stil take it. If I skip a day, will it have any affect the next day when I take my meds? Thanks soooo much

peace v




  1. No it would not. If you limit your intake like you say than it should have no affect. The biggest thing to remember is that alcohol can lower blood sugar. And with that being said it can increase the risk of lactic acidosis which is the biggest complication that you can have while on metformin. To stay in moderation though you should be absolutely fine. If you have concern just recognize what the symptoms are for low blood sugar...such as: sweating, fast heart rate, irratiblility, hunger, headache, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, weakness, then worst case leads to seizure, fainting and coma. But generally it starts with the minor symptoms and if you always have sugar packets or something similar to increase your sugar than that will assist you in any emergency. If you google your medications or get a print out from the pharmacist you can really understand the mechanism of action-how they work and should know that of any medications you take. If you keep any intake in moderations though you will be fine. I take the same medication and I drink wine regularly in moderation and have not had any complications...Either stay in moderation or just do not drink. It is best to do that than it is to stop and then start retaking your medications. That is worse to your body the more you do that. If you need them take them and keep your regimen. If you have a big concern with the metformin talk with your doctor or the nurse so she can talk with him. The birth control will be fine. Good Luck!!

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