
I have a question and need help please?

by  |  earlier

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i got a tick on my p***s a month ago and i took it off the next day and now a month later there is still like a dot or somethin there... its like a bump... i've put a bunch of anti biotics on it like every night but there is still a little bump there and i dont no wat to do?




  1. its probably the ticks head which sometimes can stay in and as much as you might not want too you need to go see your doctor and have him check it out. we are talking about your p***s here you know.

  2. its a fordyce spot , look on google it shows you pictures they are little pimples on the base of the head of the p***s under the forskin. it is normal and dont have to be treated un less its itchy, teenages get them and more older people they are ok  

  3. i would see a doctor. but it is normal to have a dot.

  4. well, go to the doc, i had a tick on my arm and it left a mark for amout 2 months then wen to the doc and they gave me sumtin that cleaed it up

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