
I have a question can anybody help me please?

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You are the large owner of a company and you found out that your company was not doing so well; especially in customer safisfaction. You managed to contract people outside the company to train your staff. What approach to achieving better customer satisfaction, would you train your executives first or your employees? why? Would you have achieved quicker results by training its front-line employees prior to its executives?




  1. executives have a  mindset you have to change/educate  first ...they are the  controlling engine of the  company..they are also the reason  the company is  not running well..then  train the  front line  employees ..they will be less likely to encounter resistance to change

  2. Start with upper management and move down the line, sometimes it's because the upper levels aren't conveying what you want to the lower management team and those below them.  It's not always the fault of middle management for example you have hired a person with over 20 years experience in your field and when he/she tells those above them about problems with personal that has been there for a long time not doing the job the way they are expected too by the company , and they just let it slide, than the middle manager gets terminated for not doing his job when upper management tied his/her hands on doing anything to improve the situation that's not right, but it happens all the time..  So start with the upper management people and work down...

  3. Ofcoz the executives first right?? Coz if the emplyers arent doing well its all bcoz of the bad mangement!!!!

  4. Unfortunately, you would have to meet with your exec committee first to see what their expectations are and where their prorities lie.  They may not be aware of any probs then of course you need to train your employees and feed this back to the exec committee with an indepth report.  Also, invite them along to the training sessions with the employees - let them feel the front line problems and how best to tackle them.

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