
I have a question during an interview??

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what words do you use in place of ummmm, when you are trying to answer a question during an interview?




  1. One thing to keep in mind, It is fine to be silent, collect your thoughts and then speak. A common error in most of my interviewees, is that they think they have to constantly be talking. Or that if they take the time to think about it, it looks bad on their part. People doing the interview usually like it when you hear the question, pause, think, and then answer. Sometimes when people start rambling off, I think they are making it up as they go.  

  2. you can say "well, or let me see, or i was wondering"

  3. let's see. well. hmmm. let me think about that for a second.  or just reflective silence.

  4. I've been very successful with  - i've never thought about that. Please give me a few seconds to organize my thoughts.

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