
I have a question for adults, I'd like to make my case [And just for all you pervs, there's no sexual content]?

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Why do so many of you adults hate teens. Don't say this isn't true. I'm seeing comments in the news paper, on TV, and especially on this website. Why do you assume that we are all alike? Don't you realize, that we, really, are just like you? Sure, we aren't grow up yet, but would you consider your teenage years to be better then ours? Because, as far as your behavior, it's not much better.

I agree that there are plenty of teens who are out of control, and who have crossed many lines. But, is it the teens' fault? Or, possibly, is it the parents' fault? And, for those teens who have great parents but they just have no respect for them whatsoever, well, that's about .5% of us.

Let's examine this for a minute. There are rebels, there are spoiled brats, there are bullies, there are back stabbers, there are nerds, geeks, and then there are the rest of us. The normal ones. Those other types of people I mentioned, have a corrupt view of the world. The rebels think the world is out to get them, so they make statements to show how they feel. Though, that's not me, if you really think about it, their message is understandable. The spoiled brats are the ones whose parents give them anything they want - which is pretty much buying their kids' love. And, the way those spoiled brats act, well, if you really think about it, you can understand and feel some sympathy for them too. Then there are the back stabbers, who are mostly a mix of spoiled brats and bullies. The bullies, they have rough lives. They feel like they need to pick on other people so life is fair. Why should they have to suffer when no one else does? And, the geeks and nerds, have a corrupt view of the world too. While they are very smart in school, they spend all their time studying and doing homework!! Is that really a good thing? Society is also essential. So, if those teens have no social skills, where are they in life? Their life is just books and homework.

And, then, there are the rest of us. The rest of us who have good relationships with our parents, who work hard in school, who make good choices when it comes to friends, and generally make good choices, but we all make mistakes. We aren't trying to be perfect. We accept that perfection doesn't exist, but that doesn't stop us from trying to be the best that we can be. And, for just being us, just being normal... WE have it just as bad as everyone else, even though we live our lives better! We get c**p from 80% of the adults we come across. When most adults think teenager, they think awful things! We get bad wraps, we make a mistake, and it's like the world is gonna end!!

And, what about those other people? They are humans too! They make mistakes and their view of the world is very corrupt. Maybe they are just trying to get attention. BUT DID YOU EVER TAKE A SECOND TO ASK YOURSELF WHY? I'll bet you didn't. Well, I hate to break it to you, but most of you adults aren't too perfect either. Plenty of you are worse than us!!!

Now, think about the responsible adults. Those are the ones that teens like, that adults like, that kids like, that everyone likes. They are smart, they don't judge (or, they try not to). They realize that we all go through alot. I'm not asking you to be perfect, but, maybe, just maybe you could think about what you are saying when you go to bash a teenager. I really do, thank you all for reading this. I really want to make a point here, for all teenagers, and to all adults.

Thank you so much for your time. I'd prefer that you'd at least answer with respect, but, all answers are welcome. I truly am sorry if I offended any of you, but, you offend plenty of us too. Thanks again♥




  1. I am 34 and my daughter will be 16 this month. Adults tend to forget they were once teens with the same teen thoughts you all have, like about s*x and ( yes we had s*x as teens but some adults are a do as I say not as I do) and drugs ( we did them)

    I don't know why adults cant grasp that we were the same way. Time may be different but the issues are not. You face the same things we did.

    But as you get older you tend to calm down, and we find that loud teens are irritating, same as you don't like nagging. We also don't appreciate not being respected. Kids like to think they will respect an adult if they get respect first when really its you who has to do the polite thing first, to get the adult to look at you with different eyes.

    Adults are not the only ones who categories teens. You guys do it to yourself with your friends and your peers. Stereo typing is not an age thing, its a people thing. Its unfortunate but true.

    No one is perfect, and I think adults don't listen to teens. I think if they actually listened they would understand. But you get parents and others who just cant think outside their own world to understand anyone else.

    But again there are just to many teens who think they are invincible which makes them reckless, irresponsible and disrespectful. The problem is that when those actions are done by such a huge number of your age group. It makes it difficult to separate the way adults feel about one teen to the next. You all become this one mass of people who all act the same way. I know you are not all the same as most adults know that. But in general look at the statistics, teens tend to be loud, rude, don't follow the rules, with this eff you attitude towards the world. Teens also tend to think it you against the world. Adults want the best for you, Health and happiness. We just don't want a bunch of attitude, smart mouths, I am entitled to the world, you owe me, I hate everyone, it wont hurt me, s***w the law, I don't care, kids. And unless you get to know every teen, those you don't know get put into a categories based on behavior.

  2. I don't hate teenagers.

    I do know I'm not perfect.

    I occasionally get annoyed with teenagers.

    I occasionally get annoyed with adults.

    I always answer questions the way I see things.  Sometimes that means I'm not very complimentary.

    Sometimes I agree completely.

    Sometimes I agree partially.

    Sometimes I don't agree.

    You have made some valid points.  I will think about them.

  3. i agree

  4. Wow! That was really deep! But I'm only 13 sooo... ya.♥

  5. yeah! what she said.

  6. Well put!  I don't hate or dislike teenagers, it's the ones in the 20's and 30's who seem to know it all and have no respect for anyone.  

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