
I have a question for agnostics them whom believe if they had proof of God?

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Had you ever asked of God proof that you personally could believe, in other words I am asking you what could God do for you to believe, if he exists, or what show of authority could he perform. Know also, that it is written that when or wherever two are joined together in my name there I am, if you would like for someone to agree with you I would do so.




  1. Yes. Well I went through a phase.


  2. A personal appearance would be a good step toward establishing evidence.

  3. I would strongly suggest that nobody ask God for proof of His existence. You may and most likely will not like what you are revealed. I am in the middle of Spiritual Warfare, as we speak. If you are not aware of the meaning to this term, which I believe you are, feel free to google it. My husband was not sure of his belief in God, and could not see what I did, until he asked God to reveal it to him. This was out of anger and frustration concerning what I was and am going through, and to prove the very existence of God. He now sees what I do, and it isn't pleasant. It is, however, necessary to reveal the truth to people in the end times.  

  4. Why ask for proof when proof should be observable easily such as in science?

  5. Agnostic people are not all unsure of the existence of the Christian could be any or every god they are not sure about.

    Hmm...I guess god could perform miracles or change the laws of gravity or something. Lol.

  6. I did, actually. I asked God to change some water on my nightstand into grape juice or wine. If he did that I would have followed Christianity unconditionally.

    Of course, nothing happened.

    By the way, number 9, where is your proof that God is needed to explain that which science is not yet capable of explaining?

  7. I asked God to do many things. He did none of the ones that mattered. If he's real, he's being a jerk. It's not nice to do things that are basically tricking me. For example, it doesn't count if i ask for something or want something and accidentally get it. That could be just by mistake/chance. If he was real, he would know that that's almost evil to act like that... teasing us isn't a way to get our love.

  8. I tried doing that when I was younger, I asked God to do ANYTHING, to prove it.

    Now I realize how ridiculous that was.

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