
I have a question for all human beings...?

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Please, please.. become more conscience of the predicament our Earth is in.. raise the human consciousness of global warming and world issues.. we must find a new way to live our lives... open your eyes and see the turmoil we are in.. do what you can..

Please listen to this song-...

Celestial Delinquent- Olivia Lufkin


find a video with lyrics..

here's a part of the song..

quote- "we can't be greedy, we can't be lazy, we have to learn to give and help each other/

and rise about this world we created, rise above fear/we need to share to save the human race, take the human race/into HIGHER VIBRATION".


What will you do for the Earth?





  1. America's "Inconvenient Fraud" - he's the environmental activist whose 20-room mansion and pool house devour nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year - more than 20 times the national average. His name - Al Gore, the Academy-Award winning producer of the pro-global warming fraud, "An Inconvenient Truth."

  2. you have a question for all human beings???

    who else did you expect to ask and receive an answer?

    no bashing, just a bit of logic tossed in here

  3. Thank you so much, haphazard_artist!! You're one of the very few people I know that actually care about our environment. I love the song, and love the lyrics even more!! Congrats, and thank you!!  

  4. I guess I'll stop burning tires for fun. Darn.

  5. What can I do for Earth? Let's see, I use the bus and subway every day, uses the car only when necessary,  and and all my light bulbs are fluorescent. I recycle, open the windows instead of the air conditioner, and limit my time in the shower. Hmm... I think that's quite enough.  

  6. i am actually looking into beginning a company that just plants trees (carbon offset), i registered a  .com and put up a quick blank page that says "coming soon"

    i need some help getting this started, please contact me if you are interested in a project that will better the planet

  7. Send Al Gore more money

  8. I'll take the bus, and stop wasting so much electrictity... Thanxx, you really reminded me taht we are losing the earth day by day..

  9. Why does the Earth get all the love?  Why don't we do something for the moon for a change?  After all, it is the only moon we have, and when its gone, we'll have no more......

  10. It's very arrogant to think the EARTH can be impacted from the small efforts of man-- we can't even stop the Mississippi from flooding --- or California wild fires from destroying hundreds of homes.

    What makes you think you can control Mother Nature?

  11. Believe it or not, this is nothing new.  We've heard claims that humanity is killing this world for well over 100 years now.  Despite all the hysteria, things have only gotten better environmentally since 60 years ago.  It's true!

    I'm all in favor of being a good steward of this planet, and taking care of it so it can take care of us and all the animals and fish, etc., but don't buy into all this alarmist doom and gloom the scaremongers in politics and the media are peddling.  

    You might be interested in a book written by Greg Easterbrook titled The Progress Paradox where he demonstrates things are far better then they used to be, by every possible measure, but people still aren't any happier.

    BTW, the world stopped warming after 1998.

  12. buy a scooter

  13. The way to help the people on earth is to spread freedom.  That means we must fight socialism where ever it metasticises.  Global warming is simply a useful tool for socialists to push their agenda.  If you really care about the people of the earth, inform yourself of the politics of the issue to keep from being susceptible to politics parrading as science.  That higher vibration you seek should be freedom.  Think about it.  

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