
I have a question for doctors and gynecologists?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so basically. i haven't had s*x in a while now, and i did like 2 days ago and was bleeding after. and then tonight, my boyfriend was fingering me pretty hard. after he was done there was a large blood spot on his bed. at LEAST 5 inches in diameter, and it was everywhere. i'm really really concerned. and the other day when we had s*x, it burned to pee afterwards. i mean, it was only that night it burned, but seriously. i'm really concerned. what could this be?




  1. I don't know about the bleeding but the other stuff could be a urinary tract infection (UTI).

    I am not a doctor so you should probably see a doctor for any concerns but here is what I know about UTI:

    At night, it makes you feel like you need to pee even if you don't need to pee. It is quite common for women and if flares up after s*x. You need to regularly pee and make sure that you pee after s*x. One way to prevent it is to drink plenty of water as this will 'flush out' your system.  

  2. well, vaginal walls do no do well with fingernails, and your boyfriend probably damaged you by being too rough, as for bleeding after s*x when it's the first time after a long period of abstinence, I would suspect was due to inadequate lubrication and again a partner that was too rough with you.  Burning with urination is sometimes a sign of infection, it can also be a sign of dehydration, and if you are not drinking enough water, it will also make your vaginal mucous membranes fragile and easily damaged.  The human body requires two liters of water a day to function efficiently, so if you aren't drinking this much, it is understandable that you are having difficulties.  I would urge you to have a gynecological examination as soon as you can, and be sure to tell the doctor what has been happening so he can be sure to check everything out correctly.  Lastly, and most unlikely, cervical cancer can lead to bleeding with intercourse.  I hope you get the exam soon, for your own peace of mind, and continued health.  I do not think std is your primary concern in this matter.

  3. If you are sure it's not your period, then it is probably bleeding due to the roughness. Your boyfriend could have scratched your vaginal wall. You should see a doctor, to make sure everything is ok. It is possible to get an infection when the vaginal wall is scratched. Hope this helps!

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