
I have a question for men? When you find a women attractive is it just about looks?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you look for more features?




  1. I go by looks first, then then personality etc.

  2. depends on the man ,4 me personally it has a lot to do with it but its not every thing.she's gotta be able to afford me as well cause i'm high maintenance!

  3. i look for both looks and other features as i feel that looks rnt enough to build a satisfactory relationship on

  4. Not at all. Looks are obviously what catches our eye, but there is way more to a woman than looks. When a guy looks at a drop dead beautiful woman all he's thinking about is gettin' it on. When you meet a beautiful girl who happens to be sweet and have a great personality, you actually see her for what she is. The most beautiful woman in the world is the one who doesn't know she is.

  5. the first thing i usually see is looks...but then i go by personality and if she's annoying or a b*tch or w/e else, then looks really dont have any more effect on me...

    but its sorta hard to fall in love with an ugly girl with a good personality...they would just end up as a friend, no love relationship or anything...

  6. looks are important but she can be miss america and have a bi***hy attitude and it will make her ugly

  7. Looks are really great for a one night stand but if your interested in a relationship there has to be more you need time with someone to find out how they really are one look doesn't cut it women may be attractive at a glance but its not about looks

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