
I have a question for one of my family members she got out of the army due to AWOL ands wants to go back???

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know how would she go through with getting back into the military if its possible for her to do that.




  1. If she is awol status tell her not to go to a nearest Army station unless you want to see her go to jail for a long time?

  2. Hahaha. Absolutely not we don't need people like that in our military. Has she turned herself in yet? If so it's a different story.

  3. The type of discharge she received and her RE code are the keys as to whether or not she can reenlist.  However, my personal opinion is she needs to stay away from the military - her proven lack of committment and cowardice is a danger to anyone who serves with her.  

  4. What for? so she can go missing again? We don't want her!

  5. First off you question doesn't make sense.  You can't "get out of the Army due to AWOL" like it's some sort of medical condition.  She chose not to do her job and is/was a waste of hardworking taxpayers money.  Nobody wants her back in which is good because the military won't let her back in either.  Not someone who went AWOL.  She probably got a dishonorable discharge and an RE-4 code which means she'll never be allowed back in.  Tell you sister to stay out and don't waste any more of our money.

  6. It hinges on what type of discharge she received, and what her reenlistment code is. The easiest way for her to find out, is to check with the local Army Recruiter.

  7. I somehow don't think they want her back.  What's to stop her from costing me the taxpayer from having to track her worthless butt down again.  I think she needs to just consider other job options.  

  8. Go sign up at your recruiter

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