
I have a question for only those who have read Sylvia Browne books?

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Okay when i was about 17 i came upon a book . It was a book by Sylvia Browne .. It was very interesting.. But i was wonder if it was fact or fiction or just c**p. I was wondering how many people believe what she says in her books? I have read about 8 of her books and it made me feel really good about God. Now i am 26 and have been going to a Christian church and i am conflicted and very confused .. I dont know what to believe.. I know i believe in God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.. But reincarnation? All the stuff in her books seem so enlighting .. Give me your opinion only if you have read any of her books..

God Bless!!




  1. This sounds very similar to me. Couple years ago when I was 17, 18, I started getting into the Sylvia Browne books as well. I know where your coming from, it was very enlightening for me because I was so curious as to what knowledge she had been receiving about the other side. Though before I started getting into her books I had a deep relationship with god through Jesus Christ, gave my life to Jesus at age 16.

    Her books are enlightening and kind of led me astray for a while as it seems now that I look back on it. You have to remember that even Fallen Angels possess much knowledge about what heaven may look like, and will tell you the truth but twist it. I believe thats where all of these psychics are proabbly getting there information from is "Fallen Angels" (demons) They like to deceive and lead people astray.

    She will try saying how the Bible is corrupt, and how it supported reincarnation, how there is a Mother Goddess and Father God, you can come back to earth and be re-born. If I were you Id just stop reading her books like I did. Though it can be very interesting and entertaining as to what knowledge is being given to her, you have to grow close in Christ and surround yourself with Godly Christian things and people.

    If your confused and questioning the authenticity of the bible, christianity research it, study the history of manuscripts, church history, and especially start listening to "Christian Apologists" like Hank Hannegraff, who can help summarize the bible for you, and expose the lies of false teachers and prophets.

  2. If her books made you happy, great, but be careful about putting too much trust in her. Most of the public psychics out there selling books and appearing on t.v. are publicity hounds and out to make money, not necessarily speak the truth.  There is way too much temptation for them to only say flattering things to people, which people want to hear.

  3. Okay please can i say something , dont think so hard about what will happen, belive you want to be good and do your best ,try hard not to sin we all know what sin is dont do it. love yourself and others thank your creator ,and love his son.You will be okay.

  4. You like to read?  You should read this website:

  5. 1st Samuel 28:3-25= King Saul asked the medium at En Dor to bring up the prophet Samuel who was dead.

    1st Chronicles 10:13= One reason King Saul died was because he asked a medium for help.

    Isaiah 8:19= Seek God not mediums.

    Isaiah 47:13-14= Astrologers and stargazers won't be able to save


    Daniel 2:27-28= God kept King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its

    interpretation secret from the King's astrologers, magicians or dream

    interpreters, and soothsayers. However, he revealed it to his

    prophet Daniel.

    Acts 16:16-18= A girl was possessed by an evil spirit that enabled

    her to be a fortune-teller. Paul commanded the evil spirit to come

    out of her in the name or authority of Jesus. The evil fortune

    telling spirit left her.

    Deuteronomy 4:19= Be careful that you don't worship the sun, moon,

    and stars.

    Deuteronomy 17:2-5= In the OT those who worshipped the sun, moon, or stars were to be stoned.

    Revelation 22:14-155= Sorcerers (strongs pharmakeia #5331) will not

    have access to the tree of life. Pharmakeia involves the use of drugs

    in making evil spells.

    Revelation 21:8= Sorcerers (pharmakeia), etc., will end up in the

    lake of fire.

    1st Samuel 15:23= Witchcraft is a sin like rebellion.

    2nd Chronicles 33:6= King Manasseh angered God by practicing

    witchcraft, sorcery, using mediums, etc.

    Exodus 22:18= In the OT a sorceress was to be executed.


  6. Welcome to the first wonderful step toward questioning your beliefs.  Never stop!

    If you find what Sylivia has to say interesting, I recommend you investigate spiritualism.  You'll find that the concepts there are not necessarily unique and have been around for quite some time.    

    Edit: I don't believe reincarnation either.  Besides, why one would choose to return to the earth after living in the spirit world doesn't make sense.

    For an excellent description of the spirit world, one of my recent favorites, see "Life in the world Unseen"

  7. Sylvia Brown is a person who preys on those who are hurting and looking for answers. She herself has called herself an gnostic and is not by any means a Christian.There is no good to find there. If you need to know about the future stick to the Bible it tells all you need to know about the future.If you search Sylvia Browne fake....there are many links to use. Trust your heart telling you to question it

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