
I have a question for people who volunteer at Pet rescue and adoption places?

by  |  earlier

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I would love to do something like this but I was wondering why other people do it? Is it your sense of gratification or do you have a deeper reason as to why you would donate your time to helping animals. Thank you! :)




  1. To make life better for a being that is totally dependent on someone helping.  If someone doesn't step forward to assist them they will either suffer terribly &/or die.  Pets give so much and ask for so little--is it not our responsibility as humans to ensure they receive the best life possible?

    Working with abused or neglected animals and watching them heal and go on to live good lives, as well as helping those who need nothing more than someone to love them is very rewarding.

    It also helps to know that you are making up for some of the damage inflicted by your fellow humans!  It is amazing how terrible some people treat animals.  There has to be some balance.  Let these animals know that not all people are terrible.  Most animals in shelters or involved with pet rescues have no experience with good people.  Helping to change that makes a tremendous difference in their lives...and yours.

  2. I just love animals and even though I can't have any I love to help them. I always wanted to be a vet but it didn't work out so I help out and it helps me.

  3. there are 3 main reasons to do community service

    1. because it feels good

    2. because you feel it redeems you for all of your bad deeds.

    3. because it is a fine for something you did wrong (if you do something you may get a certain amount of hours of community service you have to do.)

    i believe in 1.

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