
I have a question for pregnant women?

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i wanted to know are you supposed to get depressed when you are pregnant?




  1. Hey there!

    I've had my is common! This is my first, and have fallen into moments of questioning my aptitude of being a mom, providing the best, maintaining household bills while out of work to care for all has crossed my mind, and it all has sparked bouts of depression! It's very common. What isn't common is when it causes a halt to your everyday life: you're calling out of work because of depression, don't want to be involved with family/friends, you're crying nonstop daily...that is when you should consider seeking help.

    We are controlled by our hormones these 9 months, but we still must keep them in check to avoid getting out of control. If you think your depression is excessive, please, talk to your OB/midwife about seeking someone to talk to.

    9 months really does go by fast, make it the best journey you can!

    I wish you the best!

  2. Depression in pregnancy is one of the most under-diagnosed conditions affecting women, and most doctors are not properly screening their patients.

    Unfortunately, as a few answerers above stated women are "supposed" to be excited and happy. This is not always the case however, and depression has nothing to do with the "situation" the mother is in. Most often depression occurs in women who have been trying for some time to get pregnant, have had previous miscarriages, and those who have IVF or other procedures. It is a falsehood that it only occurs in women who weren't expecting the pregnancy.

    Doctor's now know that depression can occur in as much as 25% of pregnant women, if not more. Because of lack of screening, women writing it off as "hormones", and lack of support the true figures are not known.

    Any woman should seek help from her doctor if she is feeling depressed. Don't feel ashamed about it, nor ignore the signs. It is more common than most are aware.

  3. Well you have different hormone levels, and it does affect your moods and thinking. However, I don't think you are "supposed" to get depressed. I think being pregnant is an exciting, thrilling time and mostly happy. But you can most definitely feel depressed sometimes throughout it.

  4. some people do.  Has too do with your hormones

  5. Its kinda common because your hormones change alot. I do get that way normally and I noticed its gotten worse since I became pregnant!

  6. Because of all the changes in your body some women do tend to get depressed during pregnancy and even after.

  7. Supposed to? As in a requirement?  NO?  I'm in my 6th month and have been ecstatic.  There was a time, right after I first found out, that it was all a bit overwhelming.  But I was never depressed.  Some women get the pregnancy blues, but I would say (correct me if I'm wrong) most are happy--unless it's in less that ideal situations.  

    So no, depression is not a requirement of pregnancy.

  8. You're not "supposed" to get depressed, but I think with all the change in hormones it is perfectly fine to feel a little down some days. I know I have weepy, emotional days, but the majority of the time I am very happy.  

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