
I have a question for someone who has been to AIT (army) preferable a 68W (combat medic)?

by Guest44681  |  earlier

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please only answer this if you know the answer. My husband will be attending AIT soon at For sam in san antonio. I live like 1 mile off post. Will he be able to come spend the night with me or see me and our kids or will he have to stay on post the whole time and sleep in his barracks. So will he or will he not be able to come home most nights and how often will we get the opportunity to see each other. Also he will be coming here in the next week but AIT will not be starting for another month, so does that mean he can come home till AIT starts.. Please let me know anything you can about this and even the MOS itself, I don't know anything about it. Thanks




  1. Depending on the AIT for Combat Medic, since AIT's are all different... but most AIT's will allow Weekend Leave, for good behavior and Barracks Maintenance and Finishing Training on Time, ect. They get to leave sometime Friday night after there final formation and then have to be back Sunday or Monday, depending. But, sorry to say that he will not be able to go home every night, unless there Instructor's are REALLY lenient.

    And as far as the second question, do you mean he is done with basic but his AIT is a month away?  If that's what u mean, then yea, he will be able to spend that time at home more than likely, he might be on Recruiter Assistance or something, which he will get paid for. And then he will be told where to be and when to be there to start AIT.

  2. I'm medic-just came from Ft Sam. There is a lot of additional questions that need to be asked. Is this his first MOS? If it is he will have to stay in the barracks every night during the week with the rest of the soldiers. Fri and Sat he can stay with the family if duty allows. Many nights he will have to stay on post on the weekends for details and guard duty. If this is his second MOS or reclass he can apply to live off post but it is up to his command. The month in between he will have to ask his command for permissive leave if they don't need him for inprocressing. He will have time to see you and the family often-better than Basic but not everyday.  His day will begin with PT and than classroom time for 8 + hours during the week and then study time and details at night. He will be busy.

  3. My husband is a combat medic and he absolutely loves it.  We were stationed at Ft. Riley kansas and he was in a Infantry line unit.  Not to keen on that as a wife because they were always out in the field and when I say always I mean ALWAYS!!!  But him being in a Infantry Unit he did get more hands on.  Now we are stationed at Ft. Gordon GA  (by the way much better than Kansas)  he is in the ER and he likes it but not as much hands on experience as the last duty station.  

    As far as him being able to see you I agree with the first answer:  Probably not every night during AIT unless he is prior service they tend to get more than the other soldiers.  Maybe on weekends but keep in mind if they don't do what they are told they will get those 4 day passes pulled in a heartbeat.  He needs to make sure he stays in the radius in case they do a recall.  If a soldier gets in trouble for example DUI or something else they will do a immediate recall.  Take care and I hope you enjoy the Army life.  Let me know if you have any other questions.  If I don't know I can ask my hubby

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