
I have a question from native English speakers?

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Do you think someone who speak English with a foreign accent is stupid?esp if they make gramatical mistakes?do you look down at them?




  1. No – the worst I might think is that it's annoying to try to communicate with someone who doesn't really speak the language, but I would never think they were stupid (having tried to learn a couple languages myself and seen how hard it is first-hand!)

  2. No. People from all over have different accents. So what? Just because someone doesn't speak the same way I do doesn't make them stupid.

  3. Of course not! In fact it's good for anyone to learn another language different from their own. Besides in countries such as Australia where we're very multicultural, it's part of everyday life.

    A majority of people are patient with that and will happily help if you need it. Anybody who's not is not worth talking to in the first place. Beside there's nothing better than hearing an accent - sounds better than our Aussie accent haha!

  4. No, I can't imagine what it would be like going to a foreign country and trying their language so who would I be to judge their attempts at English.

  5. I'm English, and speak with an English accent, and I reckon I get more stick from Aussies because of the way I speak, than many NON English speakers !!

    Don't worry about it, they'll only think you are stupid if you actually are!  There are so many languages here that it's commonplace to hear foreign accents and grammar mistakes.

  6. The only time I think people who "speak with a foreign accent" are stupid is when I shake my head and say "I don't understand" -- and so they say exactly the same thing... only LOUDER.  Yup!  Volume always makes things clearer.

  7. Not at all. I have a new friend from Beijing and I find him intelligent, friendly, curious, open minded and interesting. He always rings me to ask something about language, and I am more than happy to help him. Just smile and be yourself.

  8. You are confusing us with the French. People who speak English with a foreign accent are legion. It is not a fault. Many people speak English with different accents and dialects. That does not indicate stupidity. Making grammatical mistakes is not a great problem as long as the meaning of what you are trying to  express is clear.



    PS  How in the heck did I get suddenly from WV in the USA to Australia?

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