
I have a question on the age of s*xual consent? ? ? ? ?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i live in cali, and the age is 18, but i am 17 and seeing someone quite a bit older. my question is is it illegal if we go out but don't have s*x, and if we do, no one knows? and also my parents are cool with it anyway, but he is sketched out about it, he is 25 btw.

its not that i am afraid for me, i have been with guys before, i am just afraid for him, because i dont want him to be accused of something he is not. and i know because he has told me that he is scared about it, so im not sure but i full on want to have this with him, and i know he is really intop me too, but i just dont know what to think anymore




  1. Define "going out." If you have sexual interaction in ANY way (including if you show yourself and he responds and is interested, if he shows himself to you, you have s*x, or basically if genitals are exposed in ANY way) you are "having s*x" and you need to report this and stop it, and report it to the police and have him arrested--that's statutory rape, whether you want it or not.

    And why the h**l are your parents okay with you seeing someone 8 years older than you?

  2. maybe just wait 1 more year?

    or go to new zealand,, their legal age is 16 :P

  3. As long as no one finds out you're fine. Usually if you're really close to the age of consent they'll be easier. But, it's really bad to risk it. I with with a guy much older, and I was so terrified that he was going to get in trouble for it. It's not illegal to be going out, but it probably will raise some questions, so be prepared for that..

  4. If your parent approve of him and allow you to go on a date, then that's fine. And by date I mean dinner, movie and NO s*x.

    If you're worried for him the best places to go is where there are lots of people. Nice open spaces even go out with friends.

    The problem is that if you do have s*x and someone else finds out (it's amazing what some people can find out these days)  he would be in real trouble with the law. It could ruin his life. If you are both really keen 12 months isn't a long time to wait.

    Wait because if it is what you both want the wait will be worth while. And if he leaves you know you also made the right decision. I know it may be a hard lesson but you would be doing the right thing.

  5. yeah as long as there is no s*x between you two it is all good.

    and do not do it if he wants you to but you are uncomfortable, he is not worth it if that is the case :)

  6. As long as you two don't have s*x, it's ok. But FYI, that law isn't enforced that much...

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