
I have a question please answer thank you x?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, been losing my mucus plug for 4 weeks now, over the past 3 days me and my partner have had s*x due to my placenta moved up (whoop) also midwife said baby's head is very low down (i am 34 weeks)

and for the past 3 days been losing more mucus i know i can still carry to full term, i was just wondering when i lose more mucus does this mean my cervix is still changing each day to make it come out each day?....or is it just one big change and these bits just come out because its what is left?

I have looked on internet and can not get the answer i am looking for please help thank you x




  1. I've been having the same thing, for the same amount of time, and I'm also 34 weeks! I'll wait for the answers people give... ;)  

  2. If you are losing your mucus plug I would consult your midwife about whether or not you should be having s*x. The mucus plug helps to prevent infections from getting to your baby.

    According to our instructor in our baby class some women will lose their mucus plugs slowly over time, but as long as it's not blood tinged or pink then there is nothing to worry about. You still might not go into labor for weeks.

    Normally the sign that you're going into actual labor would be if you see blood tinged mucus.

    I don't know if it's one big change or not. All I know is I'd definitely talk to your health care provider about the safety of still having s*x at this point.

    Good luck!

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