
I have a question!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Im 13, and in a lot of questions people have talked about something called c.u.m. and pre-c.u.m. what is it? thanks




  1. It's the sperm that comes out of a guy's p***s when he is pleasured. If it goes into a woman's v****a it can get her pregnant.

    It's white and sticky too.

  2. it's when a male has an o****m and ejaculates... sperm.

    leave that stuff alone btw!

  3. It's extremely vulgar slang for "s***n" and "pre-ejaculatory fluid".

  4. It's something you shouldn't know about at your age. Sheesh your 13 and asking this question? When I was thirteen I barely stopped playing with dolls.  

  5. I don't like this word, which is a slang term for "s***n".

  6. Its the stuff that comes out of a man when he is having s*x or masturbating.

    Its proper term is s***n, or ejaculate, but of course no one uses those.

    The first thing you said is what comes out when a man "finishes" or orgasms.  the second thing is liquid that comes out before that.  There isn't a lot, but it serves to lubricate his urethra.  Though it doesn't contain sperm itself, it can when it comes out because sperm can still be inside the p***s from the last time.

    I hope I helped.  Any other questions, go ahead and email me!

  7. its the fluid that comes out of a guy that can get you pregnant (it contains sperm)

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