
I have a question regarding using paper fast food napkins, paper towels and toilet paper to help save the?

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world in doing our part for conservation.

The other day on the Oprah show Oprah had a person on who she doted over saying how great it was the woman had the idea we should cut down our use of paper napkinsto save a bunch of trees. Well I suggest less use of paper towels too. And, I wondered if the use of single ply toilet paper would also help save the trees as well as saving us trouble with our potty drains not just in homes but in homes where the drainage system isn't that great. What do you think? Should we all buy single ply; shouldn't we use linen napkins more. Any additional suggestions for conservation with regard to paper?




  1. Have you ever used Single Ply?

    generally most people in the civilized world would wind up using twice as much of the single ply.....for me, I don't care about scented paper, I care about how thick it is in the middle so the tp does not rip and my hands don't end up looking like I am from the middle ages....

  2. As with most consumer choices, there are trade-offs. For example, if you use cloth napkins instead of paper, you're still going to effect the environment every time you wash them, especially if you're not using eco-friendly laundry detergent. However, if you use paper products made from post-consumer recycled content, you'll also minimize your environmental footprint.

    For an excellent discussion these issues, take a look at The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices ( ). Although it was published in 1999, it's still the best book I've seen for helping consumers make choices that really will have an environmental impact.

    That being said, there are ways that we can all reduce our use of paper (although I'm personally not willing to skimp on the toilet paper). Some resources include:

    Simple Ways to Reduce Office Paper Waste and Make Better Use of the Paper You Need

    A Shopper's Guide to Home Tissue Products

    Action Guide to Greener Paper

    Environmental Paper Network

    I hope this helps. If you need more information, please let me know.

    Laura L. Barnes, MSLIS

    Illinois Waste Management and Research Center Library

  3. come, come, come.  Lets be civilized.  In countries where paper is a luxury they use one hand.  Right is for eating and hand shakes and the left is for  getting the grunge out of there(leaves and grass is not available either and remember not to eat with that hand or use it for shaking hands).  You do whatcha gotta do.

  4. Women can stop buying tampons and switch to the reusable DIVA CUP.  Billions of tampons would be kept out of the dump and sewage recycling plants.  We would no longer need the cardboard applicator, the paper wrapper, the tampon itself (whatever it is made of!) or the cardboard box they are packaged in.


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