
I have a question to all the religions

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Recently, in the news they've been saying how they found water on mars and how this means there is or has been some kind of life in the past.

How does religion explain the universe? Is there anything mentioned in any of the holy books ( Qu'ran, Bible, Torah ) that talk about planets, other kind of life in the universe?

IF we one day find a intelligent life form in the universe, how will religious people explain this when we are supposed to be the one and only created by God?




  1. I'm not sure of the exact ayat from the Quran, but I'm pretty sure that topic is mentioned. You should have posted this question in the religion and spirituality section.

  2. well, i'm atheist, but i used to be mormon, and the bible does not really explain the universe.

  3. Everything is created by God.

    You are talking about intelligent or ANY type of life forms on other planets. We are told that there are SEVEN UNIVERSES. And God created ALL creatures in those universes.

    However, I have my SERIOUS doubts about life being ANYWHERE else in this Universe. There are creatures called Jinns. They can go to far off places in this universe. They also live on Earth. But they are of a different form and perhaps NO sensory perception or scientific field (Electric, Magnetic, Gravitational and Nuclear) can detect them. They do not interefere with any of them. Yet they exist.

    The reason why I doubt about any life form anywhere else in the universe are many.

    1-  The primary being that God tells us in the Quran that HE took 4 days to estimate the provisions for the creatures on Earth. While it took him ONLY two days to create the Universe. This is an indication that there is life form ONLY on Earth.

    2-  Scientist are bent upon to refute religion and existance of a creator. YET all the calculations are ruling out all such possibilities.

    -  The probability of a Universe to exist resulting from the Big Bang, just to be able to support life is 1 in 10^10^123. (as per calculations of British Athiest Mathematicians "Penzias").

    -  As per the calculations of the Australian Athiest Physicist. Had the rate of expansion of Universe altered or fell out of the window by 1 part in 10^-18 (at 1 second interval from the time of explosion), the Universe would not have existed. 1 part lower, the universe would have collapsed under its own gravitational and nuclear pull. 1 part above and there would have been no atoms in the universe. The mass would have been completely dispersed.

    -  The sun is just about the right size for a system to hold life. If it is a little bit bigger, it would emit radiation which will destroy all the plant life. A little smaller, the radiation will not be in the spectrum to support photosynthesis.

    -  The Earth, has 114 elements on it. While there is no such possibility of such diverse elements in any planet in the solar system.

    -  Iron is an element on Earth, which does NOT even belong to the galaxy, where the Earth is present. It came from another galaxy. As we do not have the star in the galaxy that can fuse enough helium atoms to form Iron.

    There are Numerous factors, which tell us that this is NOT just a coincidene, it is indeed a perfect design. (even in the words of greatest athiests).

  4. The above had some good answers from the quran. From the first page it says 'Lord of the Worlds' and that there are seven earths, so the existence of other worlds is no problem in Islam. All that is needed is life. The quran only talks about an afterlife in heaven/h**l for humans and jinn.

    Buddhism comfortably supports the concept of life on other planets and universes because it has no creation story and says all things happen by natural causes. Natural causes = science.

    Buddhism also talks about the 'words' and says the universe creates and destroys itself in its own cycle of birth and destruction. Life can't last on earth forever, so in Buddhism it's reasonable to assume life can form on another planet when the right conditions are met. It only takes an eternity of chances until it finally happens.

  5. MashaAllah! Raw has a great answer there.

    Brother, see there can be other creatures on other planets or in other Galaxies, but we don't know and Allah knows best.

    but Allah says in Holy Quran chapter 1 verse #1 that : Alhumdulilahi Rabil Alamin.

    Trans: All Praises are due to Allah the Sistainer of the Worlds.

    so even if there are other Creatures which only Allah knows about them, their sustainer the one who provides them is Allah. So Allah is the Lord of all that exists, thats what Quran says.

    I hope u will do further research on Islam, which is a universal Religon and YES it is for you as well. Quran is a guidense for all of the Mankind and jinns.  

  6. religion doesn't have to explain every thing. ancient muslim scholars said that the garden of Adam is between heaven and earth, so it could be Mars!

  7. First, I could've swore it was Saturn's moon and not Mars, but regarding other life, Glorious Qur'an supports it:

    Ya-Sin {36:36}

    "Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs: from what the earth produces and from themselves and from things unknown to them."

    Nahl {16:8}

    "… And He creates other things you do not know."

    And Allah always says: "Lord of the worlds." So that could be another hint.

    But in the end, only Allah knows best.

  8. If you open the Quran to the first surah, you will notice it begins as follows: "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds." Worlds? Not just one? Yes . . . worlds! There is the physical world, the spiritual world, the world of bacteria, and so forth. That, obviously, is one sense in which we can understand 'worlds'.

    Another verse of the Quran, however, makes it clear that there are many earths (see Quran 65:12). Is it possible that there may be other earths out there?

    No one expects to find another earth within our solar system. But scientists say it is likely that in our galaxy there are many earths outside the solar system. They say that approximately 50 billion stars in the Milky Way rotate slowly, as does the sun. This characteristic indicates that those stars are surrounded by planets that are their satellites. The Bernard Star, for example, is believed to have at least one planetary companion. (see The Bible, the Quran and Science, p. 148). Dr. Bucaille quotes P. Guerin as follows: "All the evidence points to the fact that planetary systems are scattered in profusion all over the universe. The solar system and the earth are not unique"

    (p. 148-9).

    In a recent article published in the Toronto Star, two scientists advanced evidence that there may indeed be many earths waiting to be discovered. The headline read: "Earths may be dime a dozen out there."

    The Quran also uses the symbolic plural number 7 to indicate the existence of a plurality of heavens (see Quran 2:29, for example). Dr. Bucaille comments that this is "confirmed by modern science due to the observations experts in astrophysics have made on galactic systems and their very large number" (p. 150).

    Once again we find that the Quran says something and scientists later discover it to be true. Can we resist believing in this book of God? God says: "Those who disbelieve in the Reminder when it comes unto them (are guilty), for indeed it is an unassailable Scripture. Falsehood cannot come at it from before it or behind it. (It is) a revelation from the Wise, the Owner of Praise" (Quran 41-42).

    The Bible provides a chronology of history that extends back to the creation of Adam and Eve and to the creation of the earth. From this chronology it is possible to determine the date of the creation and hence the age of the earth.

    Archbishop Ussher of Armagh (1581-1657) had calculated the year of creation to be 4004 BC If that was not precise enough, Dr. Lightfoot of Cambridge worked out that the exact time when God completed His creation was 9 a.m. on Friday, October 23, 4004 BC (see the book 7whinking about God by Sr. R. W. Maqsood, p. 63).

  9. sorry atheist here too, used to be a muslim, i'm guessing the islamic  answer would be Jinn or something along those lines....bye!

  10. somebody told me once the bible does have a quote about life on other planets, but don't expect me to quote it.  

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