
I have a question to women who had kids??

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I am a young woman not 2 old but anyways I think I am pregnant right well I have my nipples done and the thing I want to know do I have to take them out..... Ok the next question Does your nipples change colors? Ok the other question I know I ask alot of questions but just wondering ok when your are pregnant when do you know the baby kicks or moves this is my first time being a pregnant and I have alot of questions and how many months do you start getting big I mean big enough you can tell you are pregnant..... I really thank you all all lot for telling me what you know and another question how do I write back on here when other ppl answer my questions thanks so much!!




  1. if you want to breast feed you will have to take them out but if you plan on bottle feeding i think they will be fine.

    some womens nipples do darken during pregnancy but not always

    you will probably start to feel the baby kick at around 4 months with your first child but you probably wont start showing till you are around 4 or 5 months with your first

  2. the nipple piercing thing, i would assume you do, esp if youre gonna breastfeed. mine hurt soo bad i think i would wanna take them out. it wont hurt the baby tho, so its more of a personal choice. for me mine changed colors, and for most women i think they do. every pregnancy is different tho. if they do they will get darker. its from the increased melanine your body produces. i felt my baby kick when i was 14wks. it scared me! lol! but it was amazing. my hubby felt him once i was 17wks. but dont get upset bc it depends on your body type. im 5'2 110 lbs, ya know? so it was easier for me to feel him sooner annd others etc. i started showing at 5 months. I WAS HUGE by 9,omg! that also depends on your body type, if youre small youll show sooner. but its wonderful and congradulations i wish you the very best, dont worry about asking too many ?'s thats normal!:)

  3. I have my nipples pierced, and a baby just over a month old. If you planing breastfeeding, then you have to take them out while the baby is eating off you, but other than that you can keep them in.

    Your nipples generally get darker while you are pregnant, and they change a bit.

    As for the moving, trust me, you will know. If you are not sure, then its probably not your baby moving. Just wait until all your baby DOES it kick lol...especially when it's your bladder.

  4. ^See above answers.

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