
I have a question while flying Southwest Airline...?

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Next week from today im riding Southwest Airline to see my aunt and family in Florida. I want to keep in contact with them through myspace during the plane...Do they offer internet access,if I can get on my laptop, and at altitude can I get on my cellphone? Sorry for such a long question but I was curious about this since I haven't rode an airplane in like 10 years




  1. Sorry, there isnt internet on the plane....pretty much all of the airlines in the US dont offer it. You also cant use your cellphone while in flight, but you can use it before you guys take off (while you are on the plane) The flight attendants will tell you when to turn off your cell phone. I think all airports do have wireless internet, but only some are free. I suggest looking at the airports website to find out if the internet is free or not.

    besides, i doubt you will get a cell signal while in the air (its so far up...)

  2. no cell phones you can go on your laptop but you cannot acess internet hope this helped the only planes that offer internet are big national airlines

  3. Hey there,

    Southwest Airlines currently does not offer WiFi service in any of their fleet. You're not allowed to use your cell phone in flight, either. You can use your computer inside the airport terminal and access the airport's WiFi service (the airport most likely has it and it is possibly free, too). When you get on the plane, you can continue to use the wireless internet from the airport until the cabin crew tells you to turn it off, which will happen just prior to pushback from the gate (where you won't be able to get the airport WiFi anyway). When you're on the ground, you can use your cell phone unless the crew tells you otherwise.

    Have a good flight!

  4. no cell phones on the plane. internet should workkk.

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