
I have a questions about Tornado Warnings?

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I have a Basement Thank God. We live in the state of Tornados so we would be stupid if we didn't have one. But for people who don't have a basement why do they say go to the lowest level of the house and get in the tub? Will they survive if they do that? If they have time i think they should get in their car and race to the nearest Storm Shelter or go to a nearest neighbor.




  1. Its the safest place if you have no basement to protect from flying debris. Should also cover up with cushions or such in the tub. If theres no tub on the lowest level the idea is to put as many walls or barriers between you and the twister as possible. The only 100% safe place is under ground with earth overhead or a shelter built specifically to withstand the windforces of up to EF5 tornados. Even a basement isnt that safe in strong tornados because the ceiling is ripped away allowing danderous debris in or the occupants to be sucked up and blown away etc. Again, safest place is always under ground.

  2. A bathtub on the ground floor is usually the only thing left after a big twister, and it's safer than risking being caught in the open. I've never heard of survivors in a car grabbed by a tornado. Stay low and safe; above all keep a clear head and don't panic. Avoid windows.

  3. the reason they say go to lowest level and get into the tub is because if you dont have a basement its the safest place in your house to be when a tornado hits, but you should NEVER

    get into a car during a tornado warning, a tornado could come out of nowhere and a car would be like a little matchbox car to even a F2 tornado. so your best bet is the lowest level of your house away from glass

  4. I thought you were supposed to go to the lowest level of your house and then get in a closet. They do that because it is more structured than the top floor and if you're in a bathroom or a closet there are no windows to shatter all over you. Also, they say you should never get in a car or try to "outrun" a tornado, but I guess it depends on how close the tornado is and how close the storm shelter is. I think its smarter to stay at home, because a car is the worst place to be!

  5. Well i live in the tornado safest place-West Virginia

    You see basements are very rare here, so are tornados.

    I think if the tornados are very far from your place, you can escape in the car.

    the best place to be would  a room that you can get out of easily.

    closets- you cannot get of them easily in case of emergency.

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