
I have a quiz in US History this Friday over the states and their capitals. Any study tips?

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I stink at US History, and I need to memorize these and the 5 Great Lakes and know where to place them on a map. HELP!




  1. Heres a link.  But you still have to memorize them.  Just do a search next time so you learn to do this yourself.,1607,7-135...

  2. I always use note cards to help me study! I would write the State on one side and the Capital on the other. That way you can memorize them and learn them as well. As for the 5 Great Lakes.. Maybe try numbering them west to east so you can remember where they are. For example: Lake Superior is above the rest as in Superior. Another way would be to use clue words for each lake! You can always use different tactics to memorize! It always helped me! Good Luck! :-)

  3. TRY THIS:

  4. You have to get  a map and study hard!

  5. the only way to learn them is to study them. you need to get like a map filled in with everything you need to know and a blank map and just learn them

  6. HOMES - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

         As or the state capitals, try to think of a way the capital relates to states (silly or not). For instance, "little rock cafe" in AK , "Atlanta, GA" - Atlantic Ocean is next to Georgia, and Christopher Columbus traveled through "Columbus Ohio".  Good Luck! : )

  7. Fit the words to the tune of a song you know - does wonders for memorization!

  8. Print a map of the US the make sure the capitals are on each one and then start with Florida and work your way up the east coast then go up and down working your way to California, that's how I learned all of them. Good Luck !! You can do it !!

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