
I have a "womanly" problem.. please help.?

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I am a 16 year old girl who hasn Polysistical Ovarian Syndrom and my gyn put me on birth control to make me start my period.

it so happened that after the 19th day, i think i started. well, what i am trying to ask is, am i really? I have cramps but i am not leaking that bad, my blatter feels as though it is full all the time, and i look like i gained wait. when i wipe, i see brownish liquid, and its from my v****a. did i have my first period? my cramps hurt, is ibprofin ok to take for that?




  1. Yep. My first one was like that. It takes a while for it to get started properly, but that should be your first period, congratulations! ^_^

    Ibuprofen is fine to take for cramps, but I don't know much about your condition, so it might be a good idea to ask your doctor first. Try herbal remedies instead to help your cramping, chamomile is a good one for easing tension.

    Good luck!

  2. I think you should honestly call your GYN and ask him/her this question.

  3. You could have started your period or had some break through discharge and will get it in a couple of days.  If you are having discomfort, get some Midol or Pamprin, which will help with the cramps.

  4. Yes take motrin... sounds like your cyst. It will take a few to get ur period to be normal.  

  5. yes im guessing that is your first period it can start off light or it can be heavy the first time it varies due to the girl. also ibprofin works really well for me when i get period cramps. i recommend it.

  6. it sounds like you are either about to start your period or are already having it. since you have a condition where you don't start your period regularly, this brown discharge could just be old blood making it's way out (which also signals that your period is about to start). the other symptoms your are experiencing also lead me to believe that you are starting your period.

    ibuprofin is perfectly fine to take for your cramps, but midol is better because it is make specifically for that.  

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