
I have a rabbit and I am getting more???

by Guest62329  |  earlier

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We rescued her, so we don't know what breed she is, here is a pic:

but this time i am going to buy from a breeder, so what breed should i choose, i want a soft rabbit that is loveable and loves to be held.




  1. i recommend a lionhead they are so adorable and mine sits  on my lap for hours and watches tv with me

  2. Cute  Rabbit!  Male rabbits (Bucks) tend to be way friendlier than does. At least that is my experience. Chances are that when you walk up to a cage and the rabbit comes to the front, sticks it's nose out to be rubbed, it will almost always be a buck. Open the door and slowly put your hand over its head and try to pet it. If it stays and lets you pet it, i'll bet it's a buck!  That being said, all rabbits and individual breeders lines are different. Some breed for docile, easy to handle rabbits and some don't. Tell your breeder what you want, and if you aren't comfortable with the rabbit presented, DON"T BUY IT.

    Your rabbit looks like maybe a Satin of some type.

    For information on rabbit breeds, take a look here  for information and maybe to find a breeder in your area.

  3. You're rabbit looks like either a Mini Rex, a Rex or a cross of one of those two breeds.  I can't tell for sure, but you will know if her fur feels like velvet.  In a Rex's or Mini Rex's coat, their guard hairs are the same length as their undercoat.  In my experience, all the Mini Rex's I had were very calm and had the sweetest dispositions.  I never had a Mini Rex get territorial or wild.  (Not to say it couldn't happen, of course).

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