
I have a rabbit that has started biting ?

by  |  earlier

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we dont know why but you will be holding him or just be near him and then he comes up and bites you really hard not hard enough to break the skin but make it hurt really badly if you have any ideas then please tell me because anything would help




  1. well i have three bunnies...have you on accident dropped it cause if you have it could be it's just afraid and if you havent you can medicine to helb with his teeth and your best bet is to go to the vet

  2. How old is he? if he's over 5months, I'd get him neutered.. it should stop the biting and just make him friendlier in general.

    If you're trying to pick him up or grab him when he's inside his cage, he might just be territorial of his cage[Which getting him neutered would help with as well.] but try just letting him hop out by himself if that's the case.

    and have you accidentally hurt him recently? Rabbits hold grudges.

  3. rabbits don't have many forms of communications, so when he bites you he may be trying to tell you something.  

    i have had a few rabbits that bit me when they wanted me to pet them/scratch their head.   i don't think they mean to bite hard (most of the time).  i even had a rabbit who used to bite me when i STOPPED petting her!  i would suggest neutering/spaying.  if it is a male when he gets old enough he is going to hump everything he comes near and spraying all over the place.  if it is a female it may calm her and make her nicer.  either way, you keep them safer from getting cancer.

  4. Has he been neutered ???

    If not, I would suggest a visit to the 't******e fairies'.  

    My male bunny was just the same until the time came to get him 'done'.  Within a week he turned into a complete softy that now loves a cuddle and fuss.

  5. if he isn't neutered than that may be the issue because rabbits are much more aggressive when they aren't neutered. if he is neutered then it means that you're rabbit needs to be trained. when he bites you for no reason, give him a slight tap on the head and say in a firm voice "NO" and if he continues to do this, then just put him in "time out" after he bites you. It may sound silly but it works. When my rabbit misbehaves, i put her in her carrying cage for a few minutes which is much smaller than her regular cage and she does not enjoy being in there at all. now, she is much better behaved and a pleasure to be around.

    good luck with your rabbit!

  6. My rabbit used to do the same thing.Then she stopped as soon as she was spayed.

    A lot of rabbits are bossy and they show this by biting, since they can't shove or push like a person does. You have to prove that you are the "top rabbit".When he bites, make a loud noise at him.A lot of times, they don't even realize that they are hurting you. The best thing to do is to get him neutered.Low-cost places will neuter a rabbit for around 100 dollars. I tried everything with my rabbit to get her to stop biting, but nothing worked until I got her fixed.

    And by the way--until you do get him neutered, putting ice on the bites really does help with the bruising.

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