
I have a race question. about slavery.?

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okay, i am not trying to start this whole big debate about slavery, but i have a question. slavery was abolished in like, 1864 or there abouts, so it was like 136 that it ENDED. so, it was a long long long time ago that there were african slaves. WHY are black ppl so outrageous about it still? i mean, i'm not saying that it shouldn't be something that we still teach in our history classes and do everything in our power to prevent from ever happening again, but NO ONE alive today has ever owned or sold a black slave. why don't ppl talk about the Moroccans that owned and traded slaves 400 years before there were african slaves? why do whites today have to be punished for the transgressions of ppl that were alive over 200 years ago??? i'm sorry that there were slaves, i hope there never will ever be anything like that to ever happen again, but I did not do it and I shouldn't have to pay the price for ancient ppl who did! i guess hebrew ppl should be pissed off at egyptians still? i mean, africans were not the only race to ever be enslaved. African rival tribes are the ones who captured and sold those ppl!!! so your own ppl did it to you in the begining, and the first african slave that was ever purchased was purchased by a dutchman! i mean, at WHAT point do you let it go and call it history, and move on? i really wish it could be over with and black ppl and white ppl could get along and say you know, you personaly did not hurt me, so i don't hate you for anything.




  1. although you made HUGE generalizations about black people in this question i will say this,

    i do not blame any white person today for slavery

    i just don't like it when people act like it never happened

    i also get pissed when people tell me to "get over it" because that kind of thing is NOTHING you can just forget.

    i also don't like that i can't have an educated conversation about slavery without someone accusing me of complaining about it.

    slavery was terrible and not justifiable so i don't like it when people's excuse for it is "well so and so owned slaves too"

    believe it or not we still live with the affects of slavery today, and not to mention we just got all of our rights not too long ago. just because slavery ended didn't mean black people were all of a sudden treated equally

    you should remember history even if it is bad but you shouldn't dwell on it. and i do not dwell on slavery

  2. chill dude,anyway not all black people do that. :(

  3. Because even though slavery technically ended over 130 years ago, blacks were still enslaved until the 1960's.

    Slavery ended, but blacks couldn't use the same bathrooms, go to the same schools, eat in the same resteraunts or even enter the front door of many public establishments until the civil rights acts of 1964 and 1965.  We were disrespected, beaten, raped,  and even killed by whites without any legal consequence. Most black schools didn't go past the 8th grade so higher education was almost impossible and even if we did educate ourselves, it was hard to find a college that would accept blacks. There are people alive today, baby boomers who remember calling blacks n****r to they're faces and no one thinking anything of it. My parents remember when the schools closed down in the south because after Thurgood Marshall won Brown vs The Board of Education,  the white schools closed down rather than intergrate. Slavery ended a long time ago but we blacks have just recently been released of the chains that bound us.

    I don't know how old you are, but talk to someone in their 60's or 70's who's from the south about civil rights and how things were before the civil rights acts.  They'll enlighten you.

    Slavery isn't a recent thing. Every culture has had slaves, but we talk about American Blk/wht slavery because it happend here and it's so recent. There are slaves in this country today, but it's not legal and not to the extent that  the African American slavery was, so we don't really talk about it.

    And as for the "You guy's sold yourselves into slavery" argument, the slaves who are in this country today are brought here by their own people too. I'm not knocking anyone, I'm just saying there are shameful people in every race. No race is innocent.

  4. It would only be something else if not that.

  5. I'm tired.Pleae read Neet's answer and consider listening to some Public Enemy.

  6. I really don't know why younger black people act mistreated.  I always found it insane when I got into trouble for something and a black person got in trouble for the same thing, but they had the audacity to claim that it was because they were black that they got into trouble.  What the?  BTW It was same punishment for me.  Didn't understand why they'd act that way.  Anyways, they were still mistreated until the 60's and even a while after that.  The ones that were mistreated aren't the ones complaining though.  It's the ones that have no clue.

  7. are you kidding me?? you really dont know why?

    Do you know that even after slaves were abolished blacks still had to fight for there rights and are STILL to this day fighting for equalit. We have a black man running for president and you know what he has to deal with, KKK members making threats against him, RACIST white people making threates about assasining him.. all these kind of things, now the average black american has to work TWICE as hard than the average white american, sometimes were overlooked at because we are black when it comes to corperate america, and if we do get hired were being watched 24/7. I am biracial and i still get treated as a fully black person so i dont care who the h**l says that im not black but I am and i experience the SAME prejeduse as any of you guys, maybe not as much but i do get it. Ive been called the N word before by racist white family member, my grandma cant even talk to me or my sister because where half black like do you know what thats like?? so dont tell me that slavery is over, were still living with racist white people who cant learn to accept people even if there not white!! and we are the minority in this country so you can imagine that the number of racist white folks out number the number of black folks who are still dwelling on slavery..

    YOu my friend are a typical white amrican that has no idea what its like to live a day in a black persons choose, livng as a miniroty in a country where we are STILL to this DAY overlooked at because of our skin color.

    its the sad cold truth, white people will just never understand that and will ALWAYS act as if nothing happend and point the finger on us about "complaining".. pssh please.

    you dont have my sympathy at all..

    now dont get me wrong I embrace the fact that Im also part white (irish) but I will never forget what my white ansecestors did to the blacks.. and I will never forgive my grandma for not talking to me and my sister because we are black.. i wil lnot forgive my aunt for saying the N word out loud "accidently".. im sorry but some white people just never change.

  8. I think there are many civilizations that had slaves throughout history. I mean, even serfdom in Medieval Europe is quite similar to slavery. However, what differentiates the case is that a solid century after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, racial inequality still existed. Your question is a little ignorant, seeing as many of the ideas you brought up are ancient and were in societies that are not democracies. Our nation was founded on the ideas of freedom and equality, but for years we didn't even let African Americans use the same water fountains or go to the same schools as whites. And when they tried to take a stand, they were brutally assaulted with police dogs and fire hoses. So I think that older African Americans people these days may be bitter towards Caucasians, I would not say that present day people are "outraged" over slavery and saying that they need to "move on" is not a very intelligent statement.

  9. Seriously, dude paragraphs are your friends, that ridiculously long essay you typed hurt my eyes.

    Anyways I agree black people should just forget about the 100+ years of c**p they went through and befriend the white man.

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