
I have a rash on my p***s is it anything to be worried about?

by  |  earlier

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i have a small rash on the underside of my p***s that iches, should i be worried about it, if so where can i go to get my p***s checked.




  1. id ask someone at a public health clinic if it doesn't clear up with a cream. don't worry about being embarrassed about it they deal with things like that all the time.

  2. Probably herpes. No need to waste time showing it to your friends. The sores will go away in a couple of weeks. Not to worry. Life is good.  

  3. it is likely just a rash nothing serious try Hydrocortisone cream on it

    be sure to wash with a mild soap not anti bacterial Ivory white soap is best .. be sure to dry it carefully ..this is very important

    Also if you can dont wear any underwear for a few days  to allow more air to get to it ..

  4. check it here baby

  5. Could just be a little bit of yeast or an allergy. I'd try and over the counter cream. If that doesn't work, see a Dr.

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