
I have a rat. What if i got a hamster for a playmate?

by Guest56528  |  earlier

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Would they like kill eachother. My rat Gus is a boy, what if a got a girl hamster, would that be okay. (in one big cage) Please answer, or do you think i should get another rat for him?




  1. I asked my lab animal science teacher the same thing and she said that would be a terrible idea.  They would most likely fight, especially since hamsters are loners and rats like to cuddle.  The hamster would be annoyed.  Just get another rat.

  2. you will end up with a dead hamster

  3. get another male rat and read this!


  4. Male rats will not get along. A male and a female will. BUT a hamster will be dead in the first few days. The rat especially a male will kill it.

  5. Gus does NOT need a 'playmate' ... he's your pet, and YOU should be the only 'playmate' he has.  NEVER mix the type of rodents you have ... rats go with ONLY rats, hamsters go with ONLY hamsters, mice go with ONLY mice.  Most domesticated rodents are MUCH HAPPIER if they live 'alone' and interact with their people frequently ... and they don't mind being 'left alone' for long periods as long as they have food and water.  If you buy another rat, you will be in serious trouble ... except for litter mates, male rats don't get along with other male rats, and a female rat would breed then could kill the male when her babies came, or would eat the babies.  Just have Gus and love Gus, and you'll BE MUCH BETTER OFF!

  6. Your best option is another male rat.

    Actually, it's your only option - unless you get Gus neutered and get a female, but that's risky and expensive.

    A rat and a hamster WILL fight, and my guess is the hamster would lose.

  7. Different species of rodents should NEVER be mixed. Rats and hamsters will NOT get along.

    Males rats will get along with each other. So your best option would be to find a young male rat.

  8. Rats are opportunistic predators, the rat would kill the hamster. Rats need same s*x, same /species/ companions. Please get him a male friend.

  9. they would most likely kill eachother, i think your best bet would be to get another boy rat, they would fight but at least they wouldn't kill eachother like the other ones.

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